Since I got banned on the forums - allegedly for calling a troll a troll
WTF? You were banned with so many upvotes? And without warning? WTF
But now I see what happened, obviously right after that. Probably the same moderator sent in the heavy cavalry, asking a dozen (otherwise mainly respectable) forum members to teach the rioting mob a lesson along the lines "learn aiming", etc, etc. But it fired back, RedKestrel and others politely explained the issue to the effect that some vocal members, previously uninterested, publicly admitted there was actually shit in the pancake.
BTW I can live even with these porked .50cals, I don't give them a fuck, really, it's the handling of the issue and the lack of perspective, together with the above communication schemes, that annoy me and make me sad.
As to the server, it's really up to you to decide whether you can afford the time and resources to maintain it under the given circumstances. I personally would regret if you shot it down, because it's the only public mod-friendly server with normal difficulty settings, so it's ideal for training and for any non-competitive online flying, and as I see there's a small, but solid demand for that.
My suggestion is to leave it up and running "as is" -- as long as it doesn't demand too much time and effort to keep it up.