Hi all I hope i'm doing that right , here is my "resquest":
I'd like to know if someone (modders) is interresed by this resquest or if it has already been done (in this case i'll delete this post) .
I'd like to see this plane in-game , we have a lot of kind of Bf109 and a lot of trainer especially in BAT exept this one that is a very pretty one ,this (imho) will be (for modder) easier to do ? because me 109 G-12 already exist . This post will be divided in 2 parts the first one will be spec of the aircraft and the second will be some pics and videos
Dimensions :
---Wing Span : 9,92 m
---Wing Area : 16,1 m²
---Length : 8,85 m
---Height : 3,40 m
Performance :
---Max speed : 610 km/h
---Aerial ceiling : 12 000 m
---Range : 850 km
Equipement (Gun) :
---Default (2 MG131 )
---History :
The Bf 109 G-12 was a two-seat trainer version of the Bf 109. This was a conversion of "war-weary" or rebuilt G-4 and G-6 airframes the space needed for the second cockpit was acquired by reducing the internal fuel capacity to 240 L (60 US gal) meaning that the 300 L (80 US gal) was used as standard equipment. This version was never armed with anything more than one or two cowling machine guns. [90] The rear cockpit canopy was bowed out to give the instructor, who sat behind the student pilot in an armored seat, a clearer view. The rear cockpit was also equipped with a basic instrument panel and all flight controls.
Pic gallery :
Video :
Cockpit view
I really want to see him into my game if someone can work on it, it will be great
Thanks in advance Charles .