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Author Topic: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon  (Read 1253 times)

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Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« on: July 31, 2018, 12:57:12 PM »

This last weekend..I decided to visit Total War Napoleon - when men were men and sheep were afraid :D
Don't be dismayed..the Marauder Squadron is moving back to England for pre-invasion missions..and I'm just taking a break from it - after all those Naples missions.
Naples definitely gave me that "12 O'Clock High" moment where I just couldn't look at any more air ops for a short while.
This is the only screen I'm gonna post from my battle Sunday..till next time, Happy Flying! 8)



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Re: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2018, 03:27:45 PM »

Those guys were crazy!  :D

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Re: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2018, 03:42:40 PM »

>> Max: Lots of brandy and snuff!
Been fascinated with this subject since I was a kid. I found a Life Magazine issue about Waterloo at my Aunt's house and she let me have it..
I think I wore it out looking at the paintings and uniforms for the next year..I had never seen anything like it and I was hooked.



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Re: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2018, 04:46:32 PM »

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I have been fascinated about the Napoleanic wars and everyting about that era since I was a kid.

First it´s the fancy looking uniforms. That is "high-fashion" for the battlefield. Outrageous clothing.
Fancy buttons and hats!
Clothing like that puts to SHAME anything coming out of the Paris or Milan Fashion-Week in these days! LOL

Then its about the "nobility" and "cordiality" of it all on the battlefield.... Every soldier following blind-orders...
...every one marching shoulder-to-shoulder in a neat order ... and then walking toward the
enemy slowly...  waiting... waiting.... waiting....  standing still in order to get SHOT by the enemies bullets
or by a flying cannon-ball coming their way !  :D  LOL   
AND who had the genious idea of having soldiers dressed in ALL RED uniforms?! - They make a perfect target - ANYWHERE!
There is no place to hide while wearing a red jacket.

Those guys were crazy! 
I dont know its all too stupid or just too "honorable" of them. It was ALL a crazy time.

One thing is for sure, none of those fancy battlefield tactics made them prepared for "guerrilla warfare" , which would soon
be upon them. The Portuguese and Spanish did them when they (the French) invaded the Iberian Peninsula and later
it was the American Colonies fighting against the British in almost the same "Guerrilla" style.
Those fancy Red uniforms are very hard to conceal , even when hiding behind a tree in an American forest!

Those guys were crazy! 

...but they look good riding horses  ;D

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Re: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2018, 08:30:16 AM »

>> Max: All true. The clip you posted here from Barry Lyndon is a good one.
Stanley Kubrick had a fascination for the futility of war and the causes of aggression and human conflict..
The clip from Waterloo always makes me think about the director of the movie's battle scenes, Sergei Bondarchuk.
He directed the Russian version of War and Peace and his battle scenes were astonishing.
I think he had the Russian Army helping out, he needed thousands and thousands of extras and horses for Borodino.
And no doubt would have benefited from computer graphics.
I said I wouldn't post another one, but this one is too good - a melee with the Russians on my left center.
I was busy ordering formations around on the right flank holding off Austrians and didn't even know this was going on.
This game is over 10 years old..but I only recently bought a computer that will run it
and it's because of you guys here at SAS, Doggone ya! And God bless ya! :D



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Re: Just for fun, a screenshot from Total War Napoleon
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2018, 11:55:55 AM »

>>vpmedia: Awesome link, István!
I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble with Malone or Mike if I pursue this thread too far,
after all..this is an IL2 community forum. But that looks like the place to go..
I'd like to unlock Borodino without playing through Friedland - Borodino is one of the most incredible clashes in history.
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