Yeah, I know what you mean.
I have been fascinated about the Napoleanic wars and everyting about that era since I was a kid.
First it´s the fancy looking uniforms. That is "high-fashion" for the battlefield. Outrageous clothing.
Fancy buttons and hats!
Clothing like that puts to SHAME anything coming out of the Paris or Milan Fashion-Week in these days! LOL
Then its about the "nobility" and "cordiality" of it all on the battlefield.... Every soldier following blind-orders...
...every one marching shoulder-to-shoulder in a neat order ... and then walking toward the
enemy slowly... waiting... waiting.... waiting.... standing still in order to get SHOT by the enemies bullets
or by a flying cannon-ball coming their way !

AND who had the genious idea of having soldiers dressed in ALL RED uniforms?! - They make a perfect target - ANYWHERE!
There is no place to hide while wearing a red jacket.
Those guys were crazy!
I dont know its all too stupid or just too "honorable" of them. It was ALL a crazy time.
One thing is for sure, none of those fancy battlefield tactics made them prepared for "guerrilla warfare" , which would soon
be upon them. The Portuguese and Spanish did them when they (the French) invaded the Iberian Peninsula and later
it was the American Colonies fighting against the British in almost the same "Guerrilla" style.
Those fancy Red uniforms are very hard to conceal , even when hiding behind a tree in an American forest!
Those guys were crazy!
...but they look good riding horses