B-52-H LATE "StratoFortress" Skin-Template
A skin-template for the B-52-H LATE "StratoFortress".
This is ONLY for the B-52-H LATE version)
--- Download ---
https://www.mediafire.com/file/to4a842x16au76r/_B-52_H_Late_Template_MAX_Public_PSD.7z/fileCheers and enjoy
............................ Info ............................................
The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber.
The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades. It has been operated by
the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. The bomber is capable of carrying up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons,
and has a typical combat range of more than 8,800 miles (14,080 km) without aerial refueling.
The B-52 official name "Stratofortress" is rarely used, informally, the aircraft has become commonly referred to
as the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat Fucker). It has been in active service with the USAF since 1955 until today.
The B-52-H LATE version had the same crew and structural changes as the B-52G. The most significant upgrade was the switch to
TF33-P-3 turbofan engines which, despite the initial reliability problems (corrected by 1964), offered considerably better
performance and fuel economy than the J57 turbojets. The ECM and avionics were updated, and a new fire control system
was fitted. The tail vulcan-cannon was removed in 1991–1994 -- which became this B-52-H-Late version.
The aircraft's first flight occurred on 10 July 1960, and it entered service on 9 May 1961. This is the only variant still in
use by the USAF. - A total of 102 B-52H versions were built.
After being upgraded between 2013 and 2015, it is expected to serve into the year 2050.B-52-D Skin-Template -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59260.0.htmlB-52-F Skin-Template -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59305.0.htmlB-52-H EARLY Skin-Template -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59309.0.htmlB-52-H LATE Skin-Template -