Updated Boeing 377/C-97 Stratocruiser pack for IL-2 1946 modded.
Hello guys, here is a link for the update of the old pack with new 3d parts and java.
The 10th August date on the zip is correct, this has been available elsewhere for testing.Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/p53bw7hava45pe5/C-97_pack_updated_10th_August_2018.7z/fileFor those experiencing difficulties with parts of the cockpit disappearing please try this version:
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/dqk7xckah99th20/Cockpit_alteration_for_C-97_pack_V2.zip/fileJust take the C-97 folder in this download and replace the one currently in the cockpit folder, leave the 'KC_97P-BGun' as it is there were no changes to that.
Links to skins:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59380.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59382.0.htmlTested in my 4.12.2 with SAS ModAct 5.30 using all suggested dependencies for Jet War by 4S_Vega and western0221 up to date.
Currently also running in a BAT update that has still to be released.
This has been under development for some time to provide a updated pack for BAT but it was also my intention that it should also be available as a public download in the forum available for users to add to their personal installs without the need to use a mod pack.
The models use components from the existing pack but also new 3d parts for fuselage and engines, some of those items come from the W.I.P. B-50 pack that was never released. Credits:
Bison_M: Project lead and 3D original pack.
Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug: New 3d fuselage, new exhausts, keel modifications, modified templates, default skins and statics.
4S_Vega: New classes with slot for additional tanker:
BUGLORD: Original B-29 template.
PA_Jeronimo: Wheel detail parts.
max_thehitman: Improved wheel textures and plane properties entries.
Credits for original mods used:
1C: Maddox Games for IL-2
Flakiten for mod KB-29p
SAS ~ CirX for the Tu-4
GJE52 for KJ-1
Ranwers - for B-29, "meteors'
Jaypack44 for templats and skins B-29
And to all those who I have not mentioned in this list.
From WIP B-29/B-50 readme:
B-29 & B-50 Pack by Aviator Mod Team *BETA*
Based on original B-29s by 1C:Maddox
New 3D for B-50s and B-29T by Red_Fox90 and Lisek
B-29 Silverplater and bombs by O_Magpie, Fireball, SAS~Cirx, MrJolly, Lt.Wolf, Fat Duck, VC-81_BOLTER, O_Leigh, Max_Thehitman, Ranwers, Wolfighter, Twister & Santobr
KB-29 by Flakiten
Cockpits by CharlieChap and Kami_1 (extracted from HSFX6)
Java/Loadouts/FM for B-50s and B-29T by SAS~Anto
Additional java (cockpit/gunner code), updated B-29 3D,and FM work by BenitoMuso
Apologies to anyone I may have forgotten, this will be corrected for the final version.
The aircraft over run the runways used for test on landing using AI.
The front facing nose wheel door while opened sits too high and too far forward this is because the B-29 did not have a command for this type of door to pivot here so it is attached to the leg to allow it to open and close, once closed it sits in the correct position.
The engine orientation is different on the transports and tankers, it was necessary for me to put them in gmax to alter this and the extracted part is not as smooth as the original 3d on the tankers.
The pilot view uses the previous version, however, due to the fact I could not satisfactorily align parts of that to mask the external new fuselage I added the internal skin from the new external model but it lacks detail:
Alex, Bison_M, reports issues with this if used without Open GL, the part causes graphical issues so you might have to use a older version from the existing pack.
Tanker statics show the boom deployed so part of it is below the surface when added to a map.
Your air.ini can be found here:
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/#SAS or #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il-2/objects/air.
Entries for air.ini:
C_97 air.C_97 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
C_97K air.C_97K 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
C_377 air.C_377 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
KC_97P air.KC_97P 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
KC_97Drogue air.KC_97Drogue 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
C_97 C_97 StratoFreighter, 1947
C_97K C_97K Troop _Transport, 1948
C_377 C_377 StratoCruiser_Civilian, 1949
KC_97P KC-97L_Boom_StratoTanker, 1951
KC_97Drogue KC-97L_Drogue_StratoTanker, 1951
C_97 vehicles.planes.C_97Static$C_97 2
C_97K vehicles.planes.C_97KStatic$C_97K 2
C_377 vehicles.planes.C_377Static$C_377 2
KC_97P vehicles.planes.KC_97PStatic$KC_97P 2
KC_97Drogue vehicles.planes.KC_97DrogueStatic$KC_97Drogue 2
Your stationary.ini can be found here:
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/#SAS or #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il-2/objects/stationary. You will need to add the line [Self_StationaryPlanes] at the end of the existing air.ini entries and then enter your aircraft entry below that as above.
// Self Stationary planes
Description C_97
Icon Plane
Class air.C_97
PanzerBodyFront 0.016
Description C_97K
Icon Plane
Class air.C_97K
PanzerBodyFront 0.016
Description C_377
Icon Plane
Class air.C_377
PanzerBodyFront 0.016
Description KC_97P
Icon Plane
Class air.KC_97P
PanzerBodyFront 0.016
Description KC_97Drogue
Icon Plane
Class air.KC_97Drogue
PanzerBodyFront 0.016
Your technics.ini can be found here:
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/#SAS or #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il-2/objects/technics.
You will need to add the line:
// Self Stationary planes
at the end of the existing technics.ini entries and then the plane entry below that as above.
If you already have a section for Self Stationary Planes then just add the respective plane entries to it along with any others you already have there.
Folders for skins name as below:
Thank you very much to all who helped with the preparation of this pack, your contributions are really appreciated.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.