Phantom skins consolidated all on one thread.
2048 and 1024 24bit skins included as of pack 4. Some HD skins of previous packs coming at some point. Thanks to danperin for the template and reference files. Feel free to downsize to the 1mb size if needed.
Updates: Just overwrite all files, if you downloaded any previous set.
ALL SKINS prior to this thread have been reworked.
1.1 -fixed medium green color on SEA cammo
-flipped markings applied incorrectly on USAF and ROKAF skins
-added many layers from danperins great 4k template.
2.0 57th FIS-added 2048, adjusted color and cleaned up lines
Latest skins Mar.15 2019
***FIX***- Mar.25 2019-Missing JASDF 501st skins, blue cammo. Overwrite old files with wrong scheme.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/d7vofl6p9n59z19/JASDF_fix.zip/filePack 6 2048(lo res coming soon) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0t2n8lx3iie4i9d/F-4skins6.zip/fileJASDF(Japan) skins, some are F-4EJ Kai and RF-4E hacks of which there currently are no models.
501st Recon Squadron 3 Cammo versions, 2 skins each current era
8th Attack Squadron- 4 numbered Blue Camo skins
301st Fighter Squadron-Early white bottom and current grey bottom skins. Mig 21 'Aggressor' paint scheme, and blue/gray combo 'Fighter Meet' skin.
302nd Fighter Squadron- current era gray bottom skins, weathered.

Pack 5, (2048 and 1024 24 bit)-includes update to 57th FIS skins) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/z2wevwob28mdxa7/F-4skins5.zip/fileEarly USAF F-4C's 12th TFW-Vietnam
Late 70's early 80's Minnesota F-4D's and Hawaii Air National Guard F-4C's,
USAF 57th FIS- Keflavik F-4E skins
Pack 4,(2048 and 1024 24 bit) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/2i6ob409q6rg925/F-4Phantom_skins_pack_4.zip/fileUSN and USMC early Vietnam F-4B skins
VF-14,VF-21,VF-143- 4 each
VMFA-323,VMFA-531,VMFA-314 - 4 each
Pack 3, (1024 24 bit) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/97d4ryh8a90v5i5/F-4skins3.zip/file1980's USAF Euro one and SEA schemes, 512th TFS-Ramstein, 334th TFS-Seymour Johnson
JSDAF RF-4EJ's, -updated in Pack 6
Pack 2,
1.1 (1024 24 bit) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8bbjp872z6cx5u2/F-4skins2.zip/fileRAAF(Australia) F-4E's, on lease from the US
ROKAF(South Korea) F-4E's, 152nd FS
USAF F-4E's, 58th TFS
blank and generics
Pack 1,1.1 (1024 24 bit) link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/o9o8c1n6t6ogjqw/F-4skins1.zip/fileROKAF(South Korea)F-4D's, 151st FS
Spanish AF F-4C's, Ala 12
USAF EF-4C 'Wild Weasels', 67th TFS
blank and generics