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Author Topic: Mi-24 against Daesh  (Read 4343 times)

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Mi-24 against Daesh
« on: October 20, 2018, 03:49:11 AM »

Five single missions for Iraqi Mi-24, fighting daesh forces in northern Iraq

Set in 2014/15. The Iraqi Army is preparing to liberate a city from daesh occupation. Your helicopter company will assist the drive. A couple of missions I did while playing around with Vega's new Helicopter FM.

The Mi-24 is quite special, make sure you get a feeling for it :)

D/L (skins included)

A couple of tips I find useful:

- Make sure both engines are running!  (sometimes one or the other will need more than one attempt... it's that dreaded sand and dust I guess)
- Stick full forward
- slowly power up towards 40-45%, until the helicopter makes a distinctive "nod" forward.
- Pull away with a distinctive forward motion, very gently powering up to 50% and above.
- gear up

!! get a feeling for this. Feel out the correct power and stick motions and settings.
!! taking off completely vertical will end in an instable situation and you will crash.
!! no harsh control movements during take off

In flight:
- have fun.
- use "horizontal stabilizer" "trim" and "airbrakes" as you please

- reduce speed early
- gear down
- close in on the intended landing zone in a low, slow and tight circle, manage your speed and lift.
- manage trim (I find it easiest to land the Mi-24 with significant aft trim, buit that may differ)
- engine power mainly reduces speed, NOT lift!
- a touchdown with very little forward momentum is desired.



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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2018, 12:30:50 PM »


Thank you, Vamp!  8)


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2018, 02:27:49 PM »

Thank you for your efforts!

Looks very interesting!

I hope to fly them tomorrow along with the release of the new beta for Hind!

P.S. Which template did you use for the skins?


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2018, 02:38:08 PM »


I am not sure I even had a proper template...is there even one out there? I think I assembled it myself, using this and that.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2018, 12:29:01 AM »

Hm, when I drag the two folders in my IL-2 directory I can't find the missions, anything I am doing wrong?

EDIT: Fixed it, there is no "Iraq" as an Air Force so I just dropped it in USSR and it works.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2018, 01:44:01 AM »

Wrong, there is a nation iraq in BAT.

Folder nam is IK.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2018, 02:03:45 AM »

Wrong, there is a nation iraq in BAT.

Folder nam is IK.

I'm using BAT. The issue seems that the instructions on installation aren't very specific.



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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2018, 02:33:48 AM »

I am usualy packing the complete path


So if you extract the zip, you should have the full path, inkluding the IK folder.

Same with skins. Is there a mistake in the zip?

Edit: it is important that you move the whole game out of the windows protected "PROGRAM" folders. Just move it sowhere else on your hard drive. You will experience access right problems with mods sooner or later. This is already suggested in the BAT basic install description.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2018, 02:45:57 AM »

There was no path, that's what confused me. I will make it and also move my install when I get back on my PC.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2018, 07:35:50 AM »

I just checked the zip file. Indeed I missed the IK folder.

I uploaded a corrected version now and included the hint about IK in the read me.


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2018, 11:28:52 AM »

Great, thanks.  :)


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Re: Mi-24 against Daesh
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2018, 02:31:47 AM »

I want to say big thanks to SAS~vampire_pilot for this outstanding work!

I am enjoying these missions a lot and they are the best testing range for new helicopter features. Like the real combat tests in real mission and game environment.

Thanks to your amazing job on this pack I've already found few serious bugs in my works that will be solved ASAP.

The overall immersion is amazing. The targets are depicted very well and the armament is chosen realistically. I also love that you have used the C&C features in a right way. The landscapes, the towns, the weather and time conditions are just amazingly suitable!

I hope that you will apologize me for making few notes:

As an army aviation command post sergeant I want to say few things regarding helicopter landing fields.

First of all: there must be no tents around like 300-400 meters away from the actual landing spots, because they will be just blown away. Helicopters at field strip will land and takeoff in different directions regarding the wind and that is why tents can be easily blown by the overpassing helicopter. I saw myself how easily the big tent for 26 persons can be blown away with all personal things inside the tent (including mine  :P). So we never making such mistakes after that.

- the airfield itself would be rather situated somewhere near the town, to make the water supplies easier.

- as regarding the airfield equipment: there is always should be 1-2 APA-5D trucks to start the engines, because on-board batteries wont take long to get low. Also there should be like 2-3 airfield fuel trucks situated a bit aside form the main base (note that they are different from those that are transporting fuel on long distances). Also if we are talking about field conditions the ammo would be rather stored right on the trucks somewhere aside the main equipment under the guard. It is stored in trucks that it can be moved away quickly in case of any danger.

- in field condition Combat Aircraft Control Officer will act as Aircraft Control at the regular airfield, but he needs a powerful radiostation to have control over the helicopters on long distances. Best thing is SKP-10 truck. But if there is none it is possible to use R-845 or Harris Falcon-III.

- also every landing spot for the helicopter will have its own 4 lights for night operations.

- canteen is also will be situated there along with the brigade (squadron) command post and other small facilities.

Again thanks for your work! I am enjoying it very much!

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