I want to say big thanks to
SAS~vampire_pilot for this outstanding work!
I am enjoying these missions a lot and they are the best testing range for new helicopter features. Like the real combat tests in real mission and game environment.
Thanks to your amazing job on this pack I've already found few serious bugs in my works that will be solved ASAP.
The overall immersion is amazing. The targets are depicted very well and the armament is chosen realistically. I also love that you have used the C&C features in a right way. The landscapes, the towns, the weather and time conditions are just amazingly suitable!
I hope that you will apologize me for making few notes:
As an army aviation command post sergeant I want to say few things regarding helicopter landing fields.
First of all: there must be no tents around like 300-400 meters away from the actual landing spots, because they will be just blown away. Helicopters at field strip will land and takeoff in different directions regarding the wind and that is why tents can be easily blown by the overpassing helicopter. I saw myself how easily the big tent for 26 persons can be blown away with all personal things inside the tent (including mine

). So we never making such mistakes after that.
- the airfield itself would be rather situated somewhere near the town, to make the water supplies easier.
- as regarding the airfield equipment: there is always should be 1-2 APA-5D trucks to start the engines, because on-board batteries wont take long to get low. Also there should be like 2-3 airfield fuel trucks situated a bit aside form the main base (note that they are different from those that are transporting fuel on long distances). Also if we are talking about field conditions the ammo would be rather stored right on the trucks somewhere aside the main equipment under the guard. It is stored in trucks that it can be moved away quickly in case of any danger.
- in field condition Combat Aircraft Control Officer will act as Aircraft Control at the regular airfield, but he needs a powerful radiostation to have control over the helicopters on long distances. Best thing is SKP-10 truck. But if there is none it is possible to use R-845 or Harris Falcon-III.
- also every landing spot for the helicopter will have its own 4 lights for night operations.
- canteen is also will be situated there along with the brigade (squadron) command post and other small facilities.
Again thanks for your work! I am enjoying it very much!