Okay so it works.
This will be massively useful in fixing a lot of really crappy DM/collision meshes from really ancient IL2 models.
It might also streamline the process of implementing collision meshes and damage models when creating new objects for the game, which appears to be a step which really messes up a lot of inexperienced modders.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.Douglas Adams
Corollary: As the amount of beta-testing/user-testing approaches infinity, the number of flaws left undiscovered approaches zero.
Corollary: An infinite number of idiots, given an infinite amount of time, will eventually reveal all possible flaws in a given design.
What's intuitive to the creators of a product is not necessarily intuitive to people who must use, maintain, or support the end product.
Creators cannot imagine all the possible ways in which their product might be implemented or used.