Regions sorting recommends about Maps composed in B.A.T.
(Not about maps' own contents inside. Only about Sorting in MAPMODS/all.ini and i18n/
--- B.A.T. v3.5 , on 19th/Nov./2018 ---
Map name (i18n): Africa-Magallanes - MrOblongo
Map index (all.ini): Magallanes Magallanes/load.ini
Recommend New region: THE_SOUTHERN_OCEANS

Map name (i18n): The Aleutians - agracier
Map index (all.ini): Aleutians Aleutians/load.ini
Current region: OTHER_REGIONS
Recommend New region: PACIFIC_AND_ASIA

No real maps, But fictional stock maps and their modded ones ..... no region information from the first but .....
Map name (i18n): The Western Desert -1C/Maddox
Map index (all.ini): Western_Desert desert/load.ini
Map name (i18n): The Western Desert -Redko
Map index (all.ini): R_desert(redko) redko_desert/load.ini
Map name (i18n): The Sands Of Time - 1C/Maddox
Map index (all.ini): Sands_of_Time SandsOfTime/load.ini
Map name (i18n): The Sands Of Time - Redko
Map index (all.ini): redko_SandsOfTime redko_SandsOfTime/load.ini
Current region: THE_MIDDLE_EAST
Recommend New region: THE_AFRICAN_CONTINENT
Those 4 maps ground - sea positions look like North Africa and Mediterranean like Libya or Algeria.
Duplicated entry of the same map in different regions
Map name (i18n) - in the correct region: Africa-Madagascar - agracier
Map index (all.ini) - in the correct region: ag_Madagascar ag_Madagascar/load.ini
Map name (i18n) - duplicated in the wrong region:
No EntryMap index (all.ini) - duplicated in the wrong region: Madagascar(ag) ag_Madagascar/load.ini
Duplicated wrong region: PACIFIC_AND_ASIA
--- i18n/ entry Naming bug --- on 22th/Nov./2018
Map name (i18n) - wrong: Southeast India - BB
Map index (all.ini): SouthEastIndia(BB) BB_South-East-India/load.ini
Current region: PACIFIC_AND_ASIA

Map name (i18n) - correct: Southeast Indonesia - BB
--- i18n/ entry Naming bug (Author's name correction) --- on 26th/Nov./2018
Map name (i18n) - wrong:
Hokkaido North Japan Summer - 1C/Maddox
Hokkaido North Japan Winter - 1C/Maddox
Map index (all.ini):
HB_Hokkaido_Summer HB_Hokkaido/load.ini
HB_Hokkaido_Winter HB_Hokkaido/wload.ini
Current region: PACIFIC_AND_ASIA
Map name (i18n) - correct:
Hokkaido North Japan Summer - Hispano-Belgian
Hokkaido North Japan Winter - Hispano-Belgian
--- i18n/ entry Name for more detailed area information --- on 26th/Nov./2018
Map name (i18n) - current: Australia Darwin 1942 - farang65
Map index (all.ini): Darwin_42 Darwin_Dili_Ambon_42/load.ini
Current region: PACIFIC_AND_ASIA

Map name (i18n) - recommend: Australia Darwin, East Timor, Ambon 1942 - farang65
--- i18n/ entry line "&" special character trouble ---
In i18n/ entry , the character "&" means a special function displaying an under-bar with the next alphabet on menu trees.
So, in using "&" character as meaning of the word "and", the displayed result of the menu doesn't show the first hope.
ag_uf_Madrid Madrid - agracier&UF
Manchuria(TAM) Manchuria(TAM) - 1C/Maddox&TAM
Okinawa_Japan_Korea Okinawa Japan & Korea - Unknown
Korea_Summer(Whc) Korean Theatre Summer(whc) - 3BG&Whitecat
Ankoria Ankoria & Pagadona - farang65
Those lines are shown like here in the game.

Better to replace by another character like "," or "/" , or using alphabetical word "and" for the purpose.