Tested in DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and 4.12.2 with SAS ModAct 5.30.
Please remove any previous versions and their entries before adding any of the links below:Links updated on 2nd May 2019.Mediafire link 4.10 DBW 1.71:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/sv050l6ge07540r/Short_184_for_4.10_DBW_1.71_2nd_May_2019.7z/fileMediafire link 4.10 DBW 1916
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0l6y5r0g7gnhy73/Short_184_for_4.10_DBW_1916_2nd_May_2019.7z/fileMediafire link 4.12.2 with ModAct 5.30:
Short_Type184G air.Short_Type184G 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184G2 air.Short_Type184G2 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M air.Short_Type184M 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M3 air.Short_Type184M3 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184M3b air.Short_Type184M3b 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Short_Type184R air.Short_Type184R 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
gio963tto: Built 3d model and assembled cockpit folders using parts of the 3d model.
Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug: New aircraft slot from the old. Updated the cockpit java with new names for some parts and reorientated various cockpit controls so they moved correctly. FM renamed from previous but with some entry changes for the 184.
Default skin: stiv_069.
Elements of the mod: 1C Maddox Games from within IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.
Updated 2nd May 2019.
For all versions you will now have the cockpit folders use whatever skin is applied to the aircraft.
A second pilot cockpit has been added that shows the gunner if you look behind, previously there was only the observer.
Besides the visual changes I have allocated a FM to each aircraft, however, these are all identical and there purely to save anyone who might be interested in making individual FM changes needing to open the java.
The torpedo remains as it was, if at some time Dreamk or anyone else adds the type of torpedo used by the 184 to a weapon pack I will further update the models, if not then be aware the existing torpedo is still too heavy and uses the game Mk.12 with the Gio 3d loading first providing the models are used high in the game folder.
Any faults previously mentioned remain, sorry.
The Mod uses Cooper bombs and they have always been problematic, for some reason they are named differently in some packs, please make sure you have these in your game:
0_WW1Bombs_British and Arms_British, found at these links:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,33456.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26355.msg335779.html#msg335779The model uses the game MK.12 torpedo java and that is what will show in game unless you move the mod to the top of your DBW folder using the title '! Short184 4.10', this is how the folder will be posted for those using DBW 1.71, DBW 1916 uses the existing folder structure of that game. Used this way you will see the 3d torpedo model Gio made for the aircraft. If you place the folder alphabetically, 'Short184 4.10' the in game Mk.12 model will show. Testing in my own DBW 1916 showed the Gio torpedo showed wherever you placed the folder, please test in your own game to confirm.
Be aware that if you use this at the upper end of the SAS/DBW folder other mods using the Mk.12 could show the torpedo model by Gio.
All weapon options use WWI bomb packs from Dreamk.
Self Stationary Planes included:
Note: Due to the way some of the gear parts are used in the weapon selection screen they are not part of the aircraft hier so do not show in the centre of the floats on the statics.If you wish to use the Self Stationary Plane add the folder in the download that begins with the title 'PS_Short_Type184_SSP' to your mod folder and add the entries below.
Note: If you do not have a section for the self staionary aircraft you will need to create one using the headers shown below after your stock static entries.
Follow the path: STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/ Stationary.ini and Technics.ini.
Add to Stationary.ini:
Short_Type184G vehicles.planes.Short_Type184GStatic$Short_Type184G 2
Short_Type184G2 vehicles.planes.Short_Type184G2Static$Short_Type184G2 2
Short_Type184M vehicles.planes.Short_Type184MStatic$Short_Type184M 2
Short_Type184M3 vehicles.planes.Short_Type184M3Static$Short_Type184M3 2
Short_Type184M3b vehicles.planes.Short_Type184M3bStatic$Short_Type184M3b 2
Short_Type184R vehicles.planes.Short_Type184RStatic$Short_Type184R 2
Add to Technics.ini:
// Self Stationary planes
Description Short_Type184G
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184G
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Short_Type184G2
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184G2
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Short_Type184M
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184M
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Short_Type184M3
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184M3
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Short_Type184M3b
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184M3b
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Short_Type184R
Icon Plane
Class air.Short_Type184R
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. December 2018.