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Author Topic: Slot Request Guidelines  (Read 7464 times)

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Slot Request Guidelines
« on: June 06, 2010, 04:19:24 AM »

Welcome to the new Slot Request Section!

The basic idea and reason why we now have this new section is to help other modders out there who are rather new to modding and have created a mod which is at the stage where it really needs a new slot in order to continue development. Often for the newcomers that are beginning to try their hand at modding find it quite difficult to either make a slot themselves or convince another modder to create a slot for them. So with this new section you can request a slot to be made for your project, this includes the veteran modders out there too ;)

Once you have requested for a slot our Java experts will select the project which they would like to work with you on. They will also help with any other java issues during the project. Please be aware that this does not mean if you make a request here that a java guy will come along and join your team and make you a slot, it is up to them whether they would like to help out in your project so to up your chances you should present your work out clearly and your intentions of what you are trying to do with the mod.


Requests should follow these basic guidelines:

1) What aircraft are you trying to make? (Be specific! You should say what variant you are making)
2) Proof of the mod you are working on by screenshot.
3) Perhaps a little bit about yourself in terms of modding and the way you work may also help influence the choice of the Java expert on whether to help your project or not.
4) If the java expert accepts then you should be prepared to give them what you have created so far so that they can create a slot for it. (There isn't always a need for you to give out what you have currently created, but in certain cases you may have to).

To help us your topic title should be the name of the aircraft you are making and not something like "I need a new slot! Please help!".


This section is currently on trial and will stay here if it is used properly, if we start getting requests from people who are not serious about it and only request for "fun" then this section may dissappear.

Good Luck with your modding!


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« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 12:12:32 AM »

Thanks for this guys, I don't need one now but I would like to learn how to make one for my future learning of modding.

I don't quite see the point though if some beginning modder or whatever just gets someone to make it for them so pherhaps they could teach them abit aswell or not? I mean it is up to the person...


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Re: Slot Request Guidelines
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 08:48:32 AM »

To put it to you simply, that is possible but you increase the workload by 2fold or more. Java is hard to explain or understand. It takes a lot of time to get stuff working and also java is very powerful. In the same way that no one teaches people how to do FMs and stuff, java essentially has the same effect. Frankly I'm confused why it is possible to find out how to do the java class files but so much harder to find out how to do FMs. The class file controls what FM it uses, can even edit the FM and also controls what weapon loadouts you have, how much ammo you have etc... So in effect I'd personally say knowing java is a much more powerful tool that knowing how to do FMs... but I guess that's not how most people see it anyway.

Teaching someone isn't the simplest of things so it's more work for us and also for the guy learning they are bound to get it wrong on the first couple of times and then in practice from my experience the guy who is teaching him will end up doing the slot for him anyway. Also the current requests such as float plane slots aren't exactly the simplest of things and have a lot of other well stuff tied up in it.

Then it depends if the guy really wants to learn it, look at it like maths. Some won't mind it, some will never understand it however hard they look at a problem etc... There are some talented modders out there such as ranwers for example. He has access to class file tutorials and if he wanted he would only need to ask to be taught but he hasn't decided to learn it. Why? Well I can't answer that you have to ask him but the usual trend is people specialise in their certain area. For ranwers this is hier.him file editing, making frankenplanes etc... Some do new 3D work, others do java and the remaining do FMs.

If there was someone who wanted to learn about java, depending on who it is and their reputation, what they have done so far then they may be taken up like an "apprentice" as such by one of the modders and taught...
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