Hello Folks, Today I've made a Pack of B-29's based on KJ-1 slot (Chinese AWACS)
there are Silverplate (empty without any weapons) RB-29 (Tu-4A 3DO) and KB-29P (Tu-4A Engines and Landing Gears on Silverplate platform)
everything tested in SAS 4.12.2 Modact 5.3 and works perfectly but I need some help guys!!
I can't reproduce correct landing gears of KB-29P since it conflicts with hier of silverplate so gears are old fashioned
but again they do work!
and since it's KJ-1 Slot which is PERFECT, Everything is just fine except (Turboprop sound and different engine physics,can't open radiator skirts etc etc...)
and as far as I know you can install only one by choose because there is only one air.ini line for KJ-1
so I would be happy to get your help and collaborate with you
I can't Read Java. so that's the main problem (it's just Hard Re-skin of KJ-1)
Please take a look on this thread and if someone interested I hope to get some help (at least join them all into one pack and get proper wheels for my beloved KB-29P)
Download link is here (Link Updated,KB-29 Wheels now modded and looks real)
but I still hope you can help me to make the pack better
https://www.mediafire.com/file/oov1f2vo5jvyoa7/B-29_Pack_%255BUPDATED%255D.7z/fileSincerelly Yours