I enjoy night fighters very much in IL-2. One that is sorely missing, and often overlooked is the P-70 Nighthawk.
I have tried using the RAF A-20BostonMkIIIS (
as a stand in, but I can't get over the rear gunner. My request is to have the rear gunner station completely fared/covered over with glass and have that station turned into a radio station similar
to the P-61 mods (
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19033.msg204798.html#msg204798). A 20mm cannon gondola underneath and radar antenna would be nice, but not necessary.
I just hate that rear gunner.
Thank you,

Not asking for any changes to the FM or the actual aircraft aside from covering the gunner station, but here are the specs.
CREW: 2 (Pilot, Radar Operator)
LENGTH: 47.57 feet (14.5 meters)
WIDTH: 61.35 feet (18.7 meters)
HEIGHT: 18.04 feet (5.5 meters)
WEIGHT (EMPTY): 15,730 pounds (7,135 kilograms)
WEIGHT (MTOW): 19,753 pounds (8,960 kilograms)
ENGINE: 2 x Pratt & Whitney R-2600-11 air-cooled radial piston engines developing 1,600 horsepower each and driving three-bladed propeller units.
SPEED (MAX): 339 miles-per-hour (545 kilometers-per-hour; 294 knots)
CEILING: 28,215 feet (8,600 meters; 5.34 miles)
4 x 20mm cannons in ventral gun pod OR 6 to 8 x 0.50 caliber M2 Browning heavy machine guns in nose.
2 x 0.50 M2 Browning heavy machine guns under nose firing tracers for aiming.
Up to 2,000lb of internal stores for conventional drop ordnance as needed