Thank you VonOben! A new upgrade for these cool aircraft is always welcomed !
Looks BEAUTIFUL ! Great 3d-modeling.
I am still trying and testing ways to get rid of that annoying transparency from the side-cockpit.
I have a feeling that it has to do with a file which still has a written number on it, which makes that part "invisible".
Here is an example from the file "Gloss1D0o" which makes a certain part on an airplane "invisible" or be able
to use a skin Alpha-channel to be "seen-through"
ClassName TMaterial
tfDoubleSide 0
tfShouldSort 0
tfDropShadow 0
tfGameTimer 1
Ambient 1.0
Diffuse 1.0
Specular 0.3
SpecularPow 3
Shine 0.0
TextureName skin1o.tga
Frame 0.0
VisibleDistanceNear 0.0
VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
AlphaTestVal 0.5 // of [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]
tfWrapX 1
tfWrapY 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
tfMipMap 0
tfBlend 0
tfBlendAdd 0
tfTestA 0
tfTestZ 1 <----------- These 2 written lines is what makes some parts "invisible".
tfUpDateClear 0
tfModulate 1
tfNoTexture 0
tfAnimatePalette 0
tfAnimateSkippedFrames 0
tfNoWriteZ 0
tfDepthOffset 0
tfTranspBorder 0
tfTestZEqual 0
By changing the value to 1 or a 0, this is possible to do with all airplane 3d-model parts.
But to see where this problem is coming from, a person must check each and every single files (which comes with the model)
see and test these changes while the airplane is flying in teh game.
Which means, for every change a person makes in one file, then you must start the game up again and fly the airplane.
Then turn off the game and do the same to another file, and start the game all over again. To see what changes have happened
in the model. It kind of drives a guy crazy doing all these changes
As for all the other written lines which you can change the values from 1 to 0, they ALL do a particular change also.
Some files are even missing some of these important lines, which a person must ADD for all the 3d-model to work properly.
Many years ago, I once had written down on a Notepad what each single line means and what it does, but I have since
lost that Notepad notation in my PC
. I have way too many papers dealing with this game and its many mods.
Once I find that Notation, I will post it for everyone so we can ALL keep track of these things and do better fixes.