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Author Topic: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)  (Read 68843 times)

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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #216 on: July 29, 2019, 11:25:35 PM »

@ Wxtech

A member at another site posted that a lot of the objects I'm missing
are from object packs by Tomoose. I'm now in the process of hunting
them down.

I did make a .txt copy of your "temporary solution" that you posted on
page 14 of this thread and will use it as required. Thank you for posting
 ]cheers[, Bw
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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #217 on: July 30, 2019, 03:24:33 AM »

@ Wxtech

A member at another site posted that a lot of the objects I'm missing
are from object packs by Tomoose. I'm now in the process of hunting
them down.

In the searchbox at the top of this page, just enter the word Tomoose and you will be surprised what you find.

Also - click the Members button at the top of this page and you will find a "search for members" facility - search for Tomoose then select his posts and scroll until you find the right Mod.


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #218 on: July 30, 2019, 01:41:35 PM »

Hi all, I have said it before and saying it now this game is designed to make you crazy! Had a working copy June 26th and wanted to try if I could see the differences between the 'default' edges and the ones Wxtech offered in answer #169. Guess what: couldn't safe a mission  o_O
Ok, so I tried a complete new install of the map, this time with Green Hell Beta and Geezers objects, I even swapped the alternate textures. A quick check with static.ini checker; all objects are found in your static.ini. But, you can feel it coming, still impossible to save a mission. And as there's no object missing, I really don't know what to do next to find what's wrong.  ::(

Logfile entries:

Can't open file 'Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/Rock/SmokeBoiling.eff'
Can't open file 'Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/Fuel/SmokeBoiling.eff'
Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/test_blue.mat'
Can't open file '3DO/Effects/GunFireDay/TEXTURES/GunFlare37mm.mat'

plus 10 times INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 0 -> 1 (delta = 1) to Range 1..512 although with different values.But I understood that these could be ignored. 

Any advice is welcome.

PS complete log is still on my computer, if needed for any research

Addition: these files:
Can't open file 'Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/Rock/SmokeBoiling.eff'
Can't open file 'Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/Fuel/SmokeBoiling.eff'
Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/test_blue.mat'
Can't open file '3DO/Effects/GunFireDay/TEXTURES/GunFlare37mm.mat'  has got nothing to do with this map. I made a log of just opening this map and Crimea Summer - where I can save a mission - and all of these lines where in both logs. Quick search; can have something to do with conflicting mods.


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #219 on: July 31, 2019, 03:47:15 PM »

Here's my temporary substitute object to stand in for missing ones that cannot be located for download. The default is invisible, but you can choose a visible magenta 'pointer' triangle (in order to see where and how many) by simply altering the static.ini path entry--for any or all objects of interest--from "Invisible" to "Visible".

Extensive readme included, as well as a template file whose contents are for pasting into your static.ini (BACKUP first, as always!) The template happens to be for my own list of 31 missing objects for Green_Hell, but is easily edited to suit for your own situation.


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #220 on: July 31, 2019, 06:15:49 PM »


I know that you guys are still in the "beta" testing stage of this excellent map, do you have a proposed time frame in which we can expect a final release?

I'm hoping to get the final map before I have to move.  :)


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #221 on: September 01, 2019, 11:00:47 AM »

Hello there,

I've not been posting anything during holidays but I'm back on Green Hell business...
The map as changed a lot (I hope improved) since I found Australian ww2 maps and was able to plot many small airfields referred as Emergency Landing Ground or "ELG".

Some new textures have been developed and rivers flow very deep in the inland. All we need is to complete map_T  and static.ini.
By the way the final goal before release will be to identify every problematic objects and supply them as a separate pack for those in need.
So...I don't think this will be done before October... Sorry DHumphrey!

For the time being let me just show you some screenshots

Plantations west of Rabaul


Long final at Roamer ELG

Wau in progress

Duchatel and Sunshine ELG

same point of view in google earth, both airstrips do not exist anymore

sunset over Sunshine ELG

Bulwa ELG

Sonia or Sonja (?) ELG , good luck if you have to perform an emergency landing there...

Wampit ELG

Garaina and Ono river

and a preview of Bulolo aera ELG



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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #222 on: September 01, 2019, 02:38:39 PM »


I trust you are maintaining the proper river elevations, and not pushing them down to sea level? ;)

I wonder if adding the multi-layer forest textures over areas of boringly uniform forest might be worth doing. This would help with those rivers that run far inland and normally are hard to see due to the tree canopy. Or at least add these textures along much of the upper extents of the rivers to partially hide them. I raise this because it's odd to see what are in reality a cascading series of rapids on a quite narrow river turned into a calm, navigable waterway of considerable width.

Which leads me to suggest making stretches of rivers narrow and shallow so that they take on the shallow water texturing. This suggests those rapids so common in steeper river courses. Combined with forest cover in places, the effect will be far better than the usual river treatment.

The stock New Guinea map includes a field at Wedau (if memory serves). I see on Google Earth the faint remnants of it, although in a somewhat different place than the game has it. Will it be included?
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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #223 on: September 01, 2019, 04:41:36 PM »

I notice in the final screenshot of the last series that a number of short streams and tributaries are represented on the ed_map. Does this mean they are present on the terrain? I hope not, for that harks back to the old stock maps, which gives the awful appearance of a world dominated by great rivers all over the place. In reality, the lesser streams are so minor that they can safely be omitted, for one must be practically wading in them to know they're even there. ;) And even the major rivers are sometimes hard to see from any kind of distance due to tree blockage. Particular in their upper courses on higher, rough and forested terrain.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #224 on: September 03, 2019, 12:04:31 PM »

Hello there, i have tried to install this beautiful map, but got some issue. I found that all airfields have runways, except one its name Pongani, so i cant to save missions. Maybe somebody else faced this problem.


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #225 on: September 04, 2019, 05:24:04 AM »

I notice in the final screenshot of the last series that a number of short streams and tributaries are represented on the ed_map. Does this mean they are present on the terrain? I hope not, for that harks back to the old stock maps, which gives the awful appearance of a world dominated by great rivers all over the place.

I do agree wide and bright blue rivers are not realistic but Il2 remains what it is and has never been developed to display a good landscape ... I remember what kind of stock maps we all enjoyed overflying 15 years ago! We have to skew geography in order to get an acceptable result so do not trust ed_map rivers width. This has been done only for identifying and navigation purpose when creating missions. They appear on game as small as I could draw them on map_c  (but still not enough...).

I trust you are maintaining the proper river elevations, and not pushing them down to sea level? ;)

I wonder if adding the multi-layer forest textures over areas of boringly uniform forest might be worth doing. This would help with those rivers that run far inland and normally are hard to see due to the tree canopy. Or at least add these textures along much of the upper extents of the rivers to partially hide them. I raise this because it's odd to see what are in reality a cascading series of rapids on a quite narrow river turned into a calm, navigable waterway of considerable width.

Which leads me to suggest making stretches of rivers narrow and shallow so that they take on the shallow water texturing. This suggests those rapids so common in steeper river courses.

Of course I spent many, many hours to get those rivers stuck on relief !
Your  suggestion about stream on rivers is an interesting and pleasant idea failing to be a simple one. Anyway, I'm gonna try to achieve it despite hundreds of kilometers of mountainous rivers... :-X

The stock New Guinea map includes a field at Wedau (if memory serves). I see on Google Earth the faint remnants of it, although in a somewhat different place than the game has it. Will it be included?

Wedau airfield remained unnoticed to me  :-[ and will be implemented soon.
In fact it seems there were two strips according to this 1945 Australian map. What about 1942 ?

Hello there, i have tried to install this beautiful map, but got some issue. I found that all airfields have runways, except one its name Pongani, so i cant to save missions. Maybe somebody else faced this problem.

The fact there was no airfield object at Pongani ( there is one now) isn't the reason why you fail to save mission. Check the missing objects in your Game (which version?) and please report them .


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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #226 on: September 04, 2019, 05:46:22 AM »

cool weather on Upper Watut river...



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Re: GREENHELL 1942 (Eastern New Guinea and New Britain WIP)
« Reply #227 on: September 04, 2019, 12:48:11 PM »

The fact there was no airfield object at Pongani ( there is one now) isn't the reason why you fail to save mission. Check the missing objects in your Game (which version?) and please report them .

I have IL-2 412.2+4HSFX 7.03. Also added couple maps like Burma and Singapore (by cyberolas), Rabaul1944 (by Bee), Marshall Islands (by DaveOD06), Eastern Java, Borneo (by Squashman). Also installed sfs files from 413 version (fb_3do27, fb_maps21 & up_objects for Eastern Java map). All these maps work well.

For Green Hell map i installed Geezer objects and added entrys to the static.ini but it hadn't hellped. So that exectly objects i missing i dont know (maybe there is way how to check it)

P.S. if you say 'that there was no airfield object at Pongani', why this airfield dont have strip and all others have it? Maybe it some kind of bug?

Thanks for reply :)
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