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Author Topic: taxi and wind  (Read 1236 times)

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taxi and wind
« on: March 28, 2019, 02:39:38 PM »

I like to set up missions involving start-up, taxi, take-off, navigation and so on.  Over the past year or so I've introduced crosswinds in the games and found it very difficult to taxi - even allowing for the crosswinds.  This is repeated early in the take-off.  For example: on a NW-SE runway with SW 15 knot wind, a C-47 needs full left rudder - with brakes - to correct a clockwise ground loop before sufficient speed is gained - when right rudder has to be applied to counteract the left-hand swing due to the crosswind from the right.  That is, once the aircraft moves through the air at a high enough speed the normal laws of aerodynamics seem to be in action - but at very slow taxi speeds the effects of any moderate wind seem to be counter-intuitive.

(Direct wind-over-deck on carriers also cause huge difficulties when taxiing; it could be the same problem).

Any suggestions?


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Re: taxi and wind
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2019, 01:40:53 AM »

not exactly a "tech help" issue, more of a lounge item.


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Re: taxi and wind
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2019, 02:20:08 AM »

The simple explanation is that in IL-1946, from the flight model's perspective the plane's fuselage has no surface.
The utmost it had in versions prior to 1946 was it's own drag value, but even that one has been rendered unused since 1946 / 4.07m.
The only things with surfaces from the flight model's point of view are wings, stabs, keel and control surfaces.
For crosswind this means that all affected surfaces are at the tail of the plane, because that's where the vertical stab, the keel and the rudder are.
That's why crosswind is so extremely violent in IL-2 1946.

Someone would have to reinvent the flight model and apply the fuselage lift and sidedrift effect to it.

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Re: taxi and wind
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2019, 11:09:40 AM »

Now I know, thanks Mike.

(I now see that the crosswind deflects the vertical surface when stationary and on initial roll to rotate the aircraft to the RIGHT (left rudder needed), then when the horizontal surfaces come into effect the crosswind pushes the aircraft to the LEFT (right rudder needed))
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