While I have to agree that editing the files per Gio's instructions and identifying the various mods is not for the faint of heart, with back-up, back-up and then back-up it was fun trying to make it work. I don't personally mind re-editing ini's, files and folders when the next iteration of BAT arrives, and Gio's choice of weather effects and cloud cover alone are worth the try (but back-up). In this particular case, after checking/removing class conflicts etc. I still had the 70% crash. As I couldn't make the DD's show up as designed without suffering a crash, I decided to go into FMB and edit in existing DD's from BAT. Per Griffon's comment we do need more ships in BAT TGA, as I could not find any substitute British DD's in TGA ship objects to replace what was called for in the mission file. (I do note that the DD's referred to in Gio's .mis file can be found in WAW ship objects in FMB). In the interest of providing protection to the carrier (but really just to provide 'screening' atmosphere on landing) I edited in two early US DDs (USS Dent - pre-lend lease?

) from the available TGA ship objects. So all is fun, so all is good.
The breadth of talent and scope of help in this community is truly exceptional, and I thank everyone for their help and patience as I continue to learn my way around the innards of this sim.