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Author Topic: AI sniper gunners in action  (Read 1433 times)

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AI sniper gunners in action
« on: April 05, 2019, 02:13:48 PM »

I have a video of the AI gunners and their unbelievable sniper-like accuracy on YouTube. It's a Focke Wulf Fw. 190 attacking a formation of B-24 Liberators, on the Mediterranean quick mission map. I created this video with Fraps. I have a purchased version of Fraps.  I don't like to film the external views in IL-2 because I just want people to experience the aircraft firsthand and I hate the external views because this is not a professional Hollywood production, like Top Gun.  Well, I have no problem with users who use the external views to film dogfights or ground attack sweeps and post them on YouTube. I don't like any of that God's eye external views, Tom Cruise Top Gun type stuff.
Yes, I know for a fact that when a .50 caliber BMG round that hits you is pretty much the end of you.  12.7mm NATO for those of you who use the metric system. But wouldn't the armor plating at least slow down the momentum of the bullets?  I believe that's armored glass around the pilot, aka Plexiglas.  Of course, we have to use
"cabins" for well you know what, because it contains a certain 4 letter word for a male sex organ that I won't repeat here, even if you're using the word in a different context, it still censors it. CyberSITTER used to do that a lot and content filters have a habit of not being to accept words used in different contexts.



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Re: AI sniper gunners in action
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2019, 02:23:22 PM »

but that's not really a tech help item, right?
moved to lounge


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Re: AI sniper gunners in action
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2019, 03:03:34 PM »

First off, just hanging about essentially as a fixed target behind several bombers sporting, what, 6 guns each that can train upon you, is just asking for it. Computer AI or real life.

As to armored glass. Here you have only that forward pane. The combination of thickness (60mm, I seem to recall) and shallow slope certainly would help to at least some degree against a .50 round. But the side panels are but 3-ish (?) millimeter plexiglass, which to a bullet might as well be air.

The game, as far as I understand, generates bullet splinters upon impact. Maybe just for explosive rounds. But if done for non-explosive rounds, that's a potential source of life-ending penetration.

From my own experience when modding the Wildcat cockpit and discovering odd behavior with regard to instrument damage implementation, it would bear investigating the modeling of the plane's armor if things seem suspiciously wrong. Mike (Storbror) found out that for the Wildcat the armor modeling was poorly done, with a fix following on in short order
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Re: AI sniper gunners in action
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2019, 08:38:45 PM »

I suggest new title for the video:




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Re: AI sniper gunners in action
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2019, 03:13:40 AM »

First of all, I think the game version should be always specified, while talking of these matters. Honestly, I didn't dedicated researches, and I have an epidermic idea of the whole matter, but, as a long-time gamer, while on one hand I've still the impression that cockpit armour (and especially armoured glass) is ineffective, on the other hand I think some of the old otherworldly accuracy of the tailgunners has been reduced significantly. Indeed, personally I feel no more the need to set MaxBomberSkill=0 to deal successfully with them; my idea may be confused by use, in modded installs, of TurretFix+FasterTurrets mod (although I don't know if it still works for latest game versions), but I believe that from 4.10 that bad habit of AI has been remodelled positively already in stock game.
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Re: AI sniper gunners in action
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2019, 02:22:43 PM »

I suggest new title for the video:



Attacking bombers from six is just asking for trouble, in most cases.
There are exceptions as, for example, setting up convergence for 500 m or more and shooting exactly from that distance (if your eyes are good enough). Still a Russian roulette.

By the way, I see nothing "sniper quality" in this particular video. When you are hit in the cockpit of your Me 262 during the head on attack - that's another story and more frustrating :P. Or when Pe-2 navigator turns his 12.7 Berezin perpendicular to the fuselage (at IAS 400 km/h) and cut off the wing of your Bf 110...
And "historical" or not... who cares. We have to adapt to the Game reality. Let's live with it.

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