Joke itself really made me smile. But I hope that this "little feature" will be omitted in future B.A.T. release. Not the nicest thing to see.
Also I hope that everyone here understands that main works over MBR-2 were made by Sita, who is a brilliant modder and a very talented skiner and 3d modeler. And as I see he is the only person from DT that really wants to find some solutions in the current situation. He is not a codder and has nothing to do with new "features". So I hope that soon we will see a regular version of this two great aircraft released.
I don't think that we need any tensions with russian community just because some people from DT think that they own IL-2. Sita is a moder as we here are, so I think that we need to pay some respect to each other.
But of course DT "coders" can go fuck themselves.
I honestly hope that we will soon be able to see the key features of 4.14 in our B.A.T. installations and forget about all this shit. Personally I did not even tried to download 4.13.