I'll get this one.
Sixstrings, your request is perfectly reasonable, but sadly we have experienced the dark side of this, and this explains the moderator's reticence in engaging in, and even allowing, further discussions on the subject.
What we have seen over the last years is a systematic and deliberate attack on the IL2 modding community by TD. This has culminated in this latest release, on which they have spent so much time trying to lock out and control modding of the game, that the actual content of the latest release itself is at best unimpressive, and at worst, very bugged. To this last point, it has obviously had to be patched within weeks, with a patch thus far only released to a limited and biased audience. It is also a patch that promises to be only the first of many needed, as TD starts to realize the holes and bugs in the actual new content of the patch. Furthermore, the initial update itself has been proved to be deliberate malware, destroying user files with intent. This alone would be reason enough for us to bar any further discussion of it here.
Sadly, it has also become apparent to us that, in order to further divide the modding community, and to market and promote this malware, the developers will register and post under new or proxy accounts here, or through the account of friends, messages on this board in these discussion, which are misleading and false in regards to the update, and which causes frustration and conflict amongst users and modders and moderators alike (as I think it is intended). For this reason also we have decided to not allow an open platform here for discussions of software that is released and promoted with the obvious ill intent of these updates, or of the amateurish and incompetent way they seem to be made. These trolling action have at times elicited responses from our team and members which were a bit aggressive and angry. But please understand that in this way: The reason why guys from SAS get so worked up about people trying to damage this game and community is simply because they actually give a fuck about it. Which is kinda cool for us all

What we did do is crack the new encryption used (which was intended by TD to lock out modding and to control it in future, with, I suspect, the ultimate aim of killing off the IL2 game eventually) in a few minutes after it was released. Thus, all content worth while will be incorporated into upcoming modpacks like BAT and probably thereafter in others from other communities, which will mostly be based on earlier versions of the game. As these are released, we will be happy to discuss them. But about the "official" updates, I am afraid it is up to here and no further.
Someone was always going to have to draw the line somewhere, and as it happened, it is going to be us, and it was going to be here, now.
For discussions and debates about this and further TD patches, we will recommend having them on their forum. But I think the divorce forced on the modding and general player community of IL2 by the official developers has now reached it's aim (to our sadness) of becoming just that: a Divorce.