Dornier Do J Wal ( Whale ) of 1923. First flight was made in 1922. and the designation was set to Do-16 in the 1933 RLM reform.
This model is an import from UltraSpain 2019. Get it right here:,61333.msg675220.html#msg675220

The new Do J Wal actually have it's own slot. The mod is extemely well done ! Thank you all.
True seaplane, AI actually lands on water.
I hope you dont mind if I share. No change was made, xept for the name of the skin file.
Dornier J Wal..................Jir and Ton
Añadir el contenido a UltraSpain_2017
Añadir el contenido a UltraSpain_2019
Dornier-J-Wal air.Dornie_J_Wal 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Plus-Ultra air.Plus_Ultra 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Dornier-J-Wal Dornier Do J Wal, 1923 ('Whale'/Do-16, 1933)
Plus-Ultra Dornier Do J "Plus Ultra", 1926
# Dornier-J-Wal
Dornie_J_Wal .default Default
Dornie_J_Wal .4xAO10 4 x AO-10
Dornie_J_Wal .2xFAB50 2 x FAB-50
Dornie_J_Wal .4xFAB50 4 x FAB-50
Dornie_J_Wal .2xFAB100 2 x FAB-100
Dornie_J_Wal .none Empty
# Plus-Ultra
Plus_Ultra .default Default
Plus_Ultra .none Empty
Skin Files: Dornier-J-Wal and Plus-Ultra
Note: ..seems Plus_Ultra has quite different mapping for the wings (skins).
In new link ( No2 ) I have added "Plus Ultra", the second variant of Dornier Wal.( No2 )
Download: in 412,2 SAS 5.3 clean, plus heavily modded.
May work in other game versions. DiffFM required--> in an EngineMod!
...requires Typeseaplane to be defined in your game; if your game crashes at 20%,
you will need to have such mod as Sunderland MkII:,50850.0.html
...Do J mod uses B-20B/DB7 Boston MkII modified pit, i.e. classes; if you have blue field pits, use:,1126.msg12794.html#msg12794Tested in 410,1 SAS 3.06 clean.About Do15, Wiki quote:
Bemerkung: In vielen Darstellungen, v. a. im Internet, wird für den Militärwal die Bezeichnung Dornier Do 15 angegeben. Dies ist nicht korrekt.
"Remark: in a lot of presentations, on the Internet, the designation Dornier Do 15 is given(indicated) for the military whale. This is not correct."