Hi guys.
So here are some pics of what will be final version of this map, this time with flyable airfields.
It was a hard task to make it, first of all to find good sources...with good pics of the airfield. Fortunately i have been helped by so many people by providing me pics, footages and advices that i would like to thank them so much.
I tried to make it looking like a coral ground as much as possible. I'm using two textures, one at 1024 resolution and standard zoom in the load.ini, the second one at 1024 but zoom 8 on the load.ini in order to give the best low flight resolution and rendering as possible.
Unfortunately for the first texture, i mean the airfield itself, i can't use zoom on the load.ini as it make it uncomptible with the island shape. It would have been a great deal to make the entire airfield at zoom 4 or 8 = it's the best for a really detailed low flight texture.
I'm experimenting those things on some desert maps like Lybia, Sinai, Sand of time, Mto and stock desert map. Only the stock desert maps will be available for download.
I guess the final map will be ready before this week end for all. If you have any advices or datas please post here. Enjoy.
And i hope you like like the final airfield guys

, this was important to make this map functional

All the other textures are going to be with zoom 2 on load.ini, better rendering when closing to the ground...so i will move the bilding to fit to these resolution.

I'm still working on this. Some things may change before the release. I have to improve the junction parts where airfield textures meet the rest...