A legendary B.A.T. Adventure!
Adventure - Drama - Drachmae A 31 mission campaign / "interactive novel" , set around 410 BC in a fictional steam punky version of the Peleponnesian War.
Sparta and Athens are entangled in a war all over and around the Greek world. It is not a conflict with strict frontlines but a struggle for power and regional allegiances of the city states, with small and large, but mostly local, battles.

Pirates and Bandits are looking for loot while the Superpowers are occupied with each other. Mercenaries, called misthios, are offering their talents to the highest bidders on either side on land and at sea and now in the air as well!
Start your adventure on the small, unimportant Island of Kefalonia and embark on a big aerial adventure . Become the misthios of the airways, the legendary Kefalonian Eagle!
You will embark on a campaign that takes you all over the Aegean sea and you will encounter enemies and allies on your journey to fame and fortune. Maybe even the Gods will take notice of you?
The missions are a mix of intense dogfights, groundpounding and some simple recreational flying for the joy of flying.
You will fly a great variety of aircraft, from the Koyerigin DI-6 over the PBY Nomad and the P-51 Mustang.... oh, and you get to drive the jeep.
The briefings are rather long sometimes but I hope you enjoy the storytelling (I am no professional writer, so bear with me

introduction sample:
Kefalonia, pearl of the Ionian Islands!
And at the far and less interesting end of the conflict between Athens and Sparta. The two superpowers are engaged in a power struggle over the Greek world since more than a decade (although it feels like since forever really). Kefalonia is out of the focus and no faction is really committing forces in earnest there, life continues as a daily struggle against the shortcomings in a world dominated by a war economy.
Enter the the Kefalonian Eagle, the Misthios of the airways.... you!
You haven't been raised royalty but as an orphan, found on the beaches of Kefalonia, as the story goes. Stavros, the man who found you and raised you well, more or less has become your manager and you had never been in short supply of dubious errands to run for him. Sometime just to get the stupid idiot out of a selfmade mess.
However, there's one thing that makes you special and literally elevates you above other people: You have inherited an airplane, the Eagle. It came into your hands through one of Stavros more complicated errands and it had sparked the love for flying in you. Together with the local girl Andromeda and her talented fingers, you spent endless hours maintaining the bird and keep it flying.

"Kefalonia Air Charter" is a bold name for the one-machine-operation the three of you are running, painted on the sides of the airframe next to a golden eagle emblem.
The exact origins of the machine are unknown, some say it belonged to King Leonidas himself A ridiculous myth of course but lets just say it might be old enough to have seen the days of Leonidas and the fact that your hands still keep it flying simply makes you the rightful and respected owner by default now.
You are a misthios, a pilot for hire, and one with a reputation to get the job done, even under the direst of circumstances...
Technical info:
The campaign is going to the /Campaigns/GQ/... folder
Find it under "Greece (blue)" in the game and play it in WAW module.
OFF This is mandatory because you will mostly operate from rough landscape. It wasn't possible otherwise. Not being able to properly crash into a
mountain anymore is a tradeoff.
OFF Don't get stuck
-Select highest rank
Not that rank matters but to be sure you end up in the intended flight
built with Forest=2
Skins are mostly modified skins from my archives, I added the greek decorations and emblems.
Kudos to all the skinmakers!
Some are my own creation, like Artemis' Arrow.
custom set of awards made by me.

It will take place on RedEye_jirs's great Aegean map:

and here's the download - enjoy