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Author Topic: Iron Works T-Cats (ASW-Firebomber-ECM-AEW-Tanker-Attack-Recon-Director-Tug) + RP-54E Drone  (Read 17755 times)

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Just destroyed two friendly fires !  :o      ::(  ::(     ;D
Later that day:

FUN, FUN, FUN.  Success in 412.2 SAS 5.3 heavily modded.  :D
I had ship_RUNWAY_Project_85 before. No problem; very same things, just more added and new different paths.
Ex,: In ships.ini, path 3do/Ships/ZOK-TargetBarge/Hier.him replaces 3do/Ships/P85-TargetBarge/Hier.him, or not.
EZ to sort out. Also kept names such as [TargetBarge]  means should be no conflict in/with already existing missions.
Good job guys! Truly amazing work.


duffys tavern

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What a swell job! Very labor intensive but very much appreciated. I'm really enjoying this a/c. Thank for sharing with the rest of us.


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Absolutely superb!!!!


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SAS~Bombsaway, Hubberranz, xxxautoxxx, ecf111, Dreamk, PO_MAK_249RIP, KingTiger503, sparky, Type83Fighter, Gaston, duffys tavern, & dona thank you for your kind words and feedback, very much appreciated.

Patch (2mb) for those who had the initial release of the project (patch link also on the first post of this thread)


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Wonderful work mace, wonderful.

Top 10 planes, cars and submarine, they run very well on my 4.12.2 CUP.

Thank you, very much.



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Been waiting for this for a long time!!!

I did some Tigercat firebomber skins here:  http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2223

Don’t know how well they fit this model, but if anyone wants to use/modify them feel free


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Thank you for this much appreciated. Just an Idea, the AEW version when selected as an  AI aircraft does not provide radar target information to other Aircraft. May be the file from the E3 may be used. I Tried a mission with the Anti Submarine version and had a couple of Mig 19s 60km out with an E3 over the carrier group and I received good threat Information with no conflict or drop in FPS, Just an Idea for any future update.

Thank you very much for this mod.



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new 2048 skins with rebuilt and improved template here:

thanks again mace!!


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I can't get the radar dish to appear on the awacs tigercat. I added all the texts to the different ini files   :(


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Hi mace,

This is a fantastic mod! Thank you very much for your work. Your ideas take IL-2 to whole new levels! 8)

Let me ask you about the Missile.class (dated 2015) you include in the download. It is night and day compared to the Missile.class that comes with the current version of EngineMod. Can I safely delete your Missile classes (16538F18B6A41E40 | 1C8CA74ED09F70F4 | 26AB556A169AE702 | 8A7D32CCADFC28DC | FBF92726A3A9E5F8) and use EngineMod's instead?

NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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This really is a superb compilation, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Cafs, mexchiwa, MADMICK71, whistler, denko9001 and Mission_bug thank you for the all positive comments and responses.

*MADMICK71 excellent suggestion and I have added a few lines of code to the existing class files, so now any player aircraft can get information about the nearest airborne, maritime or land-based threat from the searching radars of F7F-5SW’s and F7F-4AJ’s in their sector. I'll post this update in a patch (next week).

*denko9001 I'll PM you so we can resolve your dilemma

*whistler thank you for your query. An error on my part to include the 5 older missile.classes (from the ! 00_WeaponsPack), should have been RocketFlare.class and RocketFlare$SPAWN.class (needed by the Sparrow II for those without ! 00_WeaponsPack). However today in checking the corrective patch, found that the Crossbow stand-off missile (based on the Jet Era's KS-1) causes a CTD when launched (using the latest SAS_Engine_Mod files).  So I will update the older Crossbow code, test and then post this patch (next week) which will not have the inappropriate older missile.classes, instead relying on the latest SAS_Engine_Mod files.

*Big thanks again to ecf111 for his outstanding set of 2048 skins for the T-Cats, they look great!

cheers mace
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