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Author Topic: Iron Works T-Cats (ASW-Firebomber-ECM-AEW-Tanker-Attack-Recon-Director-Tug) + RP-54E Drone  (Read 17756 times)

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As I said before, there are quite some entries already existing in BAT, but with different values.

As an example, in catapults.ini :

-in BAT/JTW :

Code: [Select]
dCatapultOffsetX   1.6
dCatapultOffsetY   -20.0
catapultPower   19
catapultPowerJets   25
bSteamCatapult   1

dCatapultOffsetX   17
dCatapultOffsetY   -35.0
dCatapultOffsetX2   5.2
dCatapultOffsetY2   -35.0
catapultPower   19
catapultPowerJets   25
bSteamCatapult   1

dCatapultOffsetX   17
dCatapultOffsetY   -35.0
dCatapultOffsetX2   5.2
dCatapultOffsetY2   -35.0
catapultPower   19
catapultPowerJets   25
bSteamCatapult   1

and in your pack :

Code: [Select]
dCatapultOffsetX 1.6
dCatapultOffsetY -20.0
catapultPower 10
catapultPowerJets 20
bSteamCatapult 1

dCatapultOffsetX 17
dCatapultOffsetY -35.0
dCatapultOffsetX2 5.2
dCatapultOffsetY2 -35.0
catapultPower 10
catapultPowerJets 20
bSteamCatapult 1

dCatapultOffsetX 17
dCatapultOffsetY -35.0
dCatapultOffsetX2 5.2
dCatapultOffsetY2 -35.0
catapultPower 10
catapultPowerJets 20
bSteamCatapult 1

the difference is in the "catapultPower" and the "catapultPowerJets" lines.

Also find some existing objects from the ships.ini file too, in which I found [RwyTrap], [RwyCatTrap], [TargetRange], [Windsock], [TargetBarge], [TargetSub], [TrainingCV] and [OspreyCV] but I did not check for differences, and probably (but did not watch for now) I will find existing things in chief.ini, stationnary.ini and technics.ini too.

So... what to do (it is an evidence that I will backup the existing files before any modification) ? Overwrite existing parts with your new ones ?


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Gaston, thank you for taking the time to provide all the detail, very helpful indeed.

[RwyCatTrap], [TrainingCV] and [OspreyCV] originated in Project 85 a few years ago and recent experience with the F7F led to the de-rating of catapult power. Original BAT/JTW values are still OK but give an unrealistic catapult launch for the F7F's.

The new catapult settings in the T-Cats pack also work fine with other era appropriate aircraft such as the F9F's, FJ-3's, etc.

[RwyTrap], [[TargetRange], [Windsock], [TargetBarge] and [TargetSub] also originated in Project 85 and have been rolled into a larger suite of mission objects.

Great to see you always back up your .ini's and .properties files prior to editing.

Recommend you then overwrite your existing entries with the new ones listed in the 'Add_to_.ini_.properties_files' folder in the Project_Beartrap directory.

cheers mace


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Thanks, mace. So, I will check every individual entry in the files, and delete the old ones I find to put the new ones.


Has made as above mentioned (adding lines where necessary, modified entries in case of already existing ones, etc). Of course, made a backup of inis and properties files... installed, tested (a bit) and approved !

Now, I just hope these birds and complements will find their way in the next BAT updater !


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Gaston good to hear all up and running now.

As per MADMICK71''s suggestion, hostile aircraft, vessels & ground forces alerts (relayed from F7F-4AJ/F7F-5SW) for all IL2 player aircraft now added to this project.

Download: (35mb)

Patch for those who had 190621 release of the project. Please follow the install steps in the Patch README: (4mb)

As always, if you have any issues with installing this mod, a logfile is essential to assist in trouble shooting.

cheers mace


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Excellent mace, thank you.  :D  :D


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Nice one Mace Nice one,
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Been waiting for this for a long time!!!
I did some Tigercat firebomber skins here:  http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2223
Don’t know how well they fit this model, but if anyone wants to use/modify them feel free
They don't. I had these skins for quite sometimes. Love them!                                WIP





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mexchiwa excellent firebomber skins!

Hubberranz thanks for posting those great screenshots

cheers mace


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ecf11 has worked his artistic magic once again and created an outstanding set of Cold War Sub Hunter 2048px paint schemes for the ASW/AEW T-Cats.

These 26 new skins for 8 national navies can be found here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61999.0.html

cheers mace


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working on some attack -4AJ version skins, will consider requests if any. Early Vietnam plausible fictional versions are WIP:



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Very cool paint schemes ecf111  8)
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