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Author Topic: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs  (Read 52303 times)

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B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« on: August 18, 2019, 02:50:41 AM »

Around 10.000 Missions for B.A.T. Version 4

The Single Mission Community Packs are the collaborative result of years of mission building from many passionate creators. Kudos to each and every one of the authors for sharing so much content with us. These packs are compatible with B.A.T. v4 - many missions won't work in previous versions.

All missions in the packs went through a series of scripts and a manual analysis to ensure critical objects are there: maps, aircraft, loadouts, chiefs… all missions were checked, and missing actors and objects addressed. Some statics are still missing (B.A.T. does not have them all) but the game engine will just ignore them. All missions will load and play fine as long as your PC is up to the task: some missions have many actors and are quite demanding!

The initial idea was to provide some content for all four eras but the project quickly turned into something different: a repository of missions that can be "easily" updated with every new iteration of BAT. So instead of updating, hosting and supporting each and every download out there I just maintain these repositories or "Volumes".

Playing missions in Campaign Mode

Missions can be played in "Single" mode but if you like a mission and plan to play many missions from a mission set I highly encourage you to play missions in "Campaign" mode. Inside each mission set folder you will find a file named "_url.txt". Open the file, copy the link and paste it in your internet browser.

Here is an excellent video tutorial by tsisqua:

Playing missions in campaign mode has many advantages: follow a story, tracking of progress, different outcomes, ranks and awards... Not only that but when you download the original package you can read author notes and get the skins for the campaign, as well as video tracks and precious documentation campaign makers sometimes include in their downloads.

Support authors by downloading their work. Oh, and while you are at it:


Once you have a campaign in place just copy the missions from the Single Mission Packs to the campaign folder and allow overwrite. This way you can be sure the campaign will play end to end.


Download a Pack, unzip it and move the "Missions" folder to your IL-2 BAT. Allow overwrite. Ultimately, you should have:
  • IL-2 BAT/Missions/Single
  • IL-2 BAT/Missions/Single (Dawn Of Flight)
  • IL-2 BAT/Missions/Single (The Golden Age)
  • IL-2 BAT/Missions/Single (World At War)
  • IL-2 BAT/Missions/Single (The Jet Age)
BAT implements a "Folder" dropdown, thanks to MissionProCombo-PLUS. Install the Single Mission Community Packs and you will get access to dedicated folders for each era or module. Remember to always select the folder related to the module you are playing!

Launch BAT, go to the Single Mission screen, select the folder of the module you are playing and get airborne!

Important considerations about the "Single" folders

1) The stock "Missions/Single" folder is sacred. Do not delete it. Do not rename it. The "Missions/Single" folder stores backgrounds and other files the rest of the "Single" folders feed from. The built-in LastMission.mis file gets saved to the "Missions/Single" folder.

2) You can create as many new "Missions/Single XXX" folders as you like. The only rule being new folders must begin with "Single". Valid Examples:
  • Missions/SingleNewProject
  • Missions/Single New Project
  • Missions/Single (New-Project)
You do not need to create "Country" folders if you don't have missions for that country. Mission folders and mission files can have spaces. Mission files must be inside their own Mission folder and the Mission folder must be inside a Country folder.


~ Community Pack Volume 1 ~

+3000 Missions! All stock content plus much of everything from many including many missions produced for TFM-412/CUP/BAT. Lots of training missions in the World At War folder and a good set of air racing courses if you are up for a challenge!

Download: BAT_SingleMissionPack_Volume1.zip (Last update: 15-Nov-2020)

Credits: Aioros, Airbourne, bergkamp, BH-21, Blindman, buckdanny, danperin, David Prosser, Dieg777, edc1, eyler, Gaston, Geschirrspülmaschine19, gio963tto, Hamm66, JMarso, KevinHoggard, LAL_R_One, looneytunes, mace, Oleg Maddox, ozric, pilot_p-38, POUSSIN1, Ranger97, SpongeBob, Team Daidalos, UberDemon, Vaevictis, vern, vonofterdingen, xeno2x, xxxautoxxx, Zeus-cat and other authors these fine folk might have borrowed content from.

Code: [Select]

(DE) Jagdstaffel 5 (Part 1) by KevinHoggard
(DE) Jagdstaffel 5 (Part 2) by KevinHoggard
(DE) Jagdstaffel 5 (Part 3) by KevinHoggard
(DE) KEK-15 by David Prosser
(FR) Escadrille No108 by gio963tto
(GB) 60 Squadron by KevinHoggard
(GB) No29 Squadron by KevinHoggard
(GB) RFC-1914 by David Prosser
(IT) Libya-Italy 1911-15 by David Prosser
(NN) Single Missions by David Prosser
(NN) Single Missions by eyler
(RO) Romania-Carpathians by David Prosser
(US) Eddie Rickenbacker by KevinHoggard


(ES) Espagne by edc1
(JA) Singapore by David Prosser
(NN) Alternate History SCW by eyler
(NN) Single Missions by David Prosser
(NN) The Secret War by xeno2x
(NN) [Racing] Cold Springs Air Race by SpongeBob
(NN) [Racing] I-16 CUP Air Races by LAL_R_One
(UM) FAA CZ-38 by David Prosser
(US) Air Express by gio963tto


(BR) War over Italy (1944-45) by danperin
(CH) Swiss Fighters by Gaston
(DE) CZ-38 Slovakia by David Prosser
(DE) Forgotten Missions by UberDemon
(DE) He-177 Last Months by buckdanny
(DE) June '41 - Brest Litovsk by Airbourne
(DE) Kanalkampf by Airbourne
(DE) Me-321 Glider Training by UberDemon
(DE) Operation Váli (1944) by Aioros
(DE) The Battle of Britain - Day by Day by Hamm66
(DE) [BH-21] Bf-109E-3
(DE) [BH-21] Bf-109F-4
(DE) [BH-21] Bf-109G-6
(DE) [BH-21] Bf-110E-2
(DE) [BH-21] Ju-88A-4
(DE) [Stock] Bf-109
(DE) [Stock] Bf-109K-4
(DE) [Stock] Bf-110G-2
(DE) [Stock] Burning Streak (Campaign)
(DE) [Stock] Do-335V-13
(DE) [Stock] Fighter (Campaign)
(DE) [Stock] FW-190
(DE) [Stock] FW-190A-8
(DE) [Stock] FW-190D-9
(DE) [Stock] FW-190F-8 Mistel
(DE) [Stock] Go-229A-1
(DE) [Stock] He-111
(DE) [Stock] He-162A-2
(DE) [Stock] Hs-129B-2
(DE) [Stock] Ju-87
(DE) [Stock] Ju-88A-17
(DE) [Stock] Ju-88A-4
(DE) [Stock] Me-163B-1
(DE) [Stock] Me-262HG-II
(DE) [Stock] Ta-152C
(DE) [Stock] Ta-152H-1
(DE) [Stock] The Rebel (Campaign)
(DU) [BH-21] DXXI
(FI) [Stock] B-239
(FI) [Stock] Fiat G50
(FI) [Stock] Fiats For Finland (Campaign)
(FI) [Stock] Fokker DXXI
(FI) [Stock] Karelian Hawks (Campaign)
(FI) [Stock] The Famous Fokkers of Winter War (Campaign)
(FR) Indochine by POUSSIN1
(FR) [BH-21] Hawk-75A1
(GB) 1942 Lancaster Tour of Duty by Hamm66
(GB) 303 Squadron Kościuszko by vonofterdingen
(GB) 90 days over Normandy by KevinHoggard
(GB) Battle of France by JMarso
(GB) Kenley (Hurricane) by Airbourne
(GB) Kenley (Spitfire) by Airbourne
(GB) Malta's Bombers (Beaufighter) by Vaevictis
(GB) Malta's Bombers (Beaufort) by Vaevictis
(GB) Malta's Bombers (Bleinheim) by Vaevictis
(GB) RAF Single Missions by eyler
(GB) Spitfires over Kos by Vaevictis
(GB) The Battle of Britain - Day by Day by Hamm66
(GB) The First Rhubarb by Hamm66
(GB) Typhoons and Griffons - 609 Squadron by POUSSIN1
(GB) Typhoons and Griffons - 91 Squadron by POUSSIN1
(GB) [BH-21] Beaufighter MkX
(GB) [BH-21] Gladiator MkI
(GB) [BH-21] Hurricane MkI
(GB) [BH-21] Mosquito MkVI
(GB) [BH-21] Mosquito MkXVIII
(GB) [BH-21] Spitfire MkVIII
(GB) [BH-21] Tomahawk MkII
(GB) [Stock] Beaufighter Mk21
(GB) [Stock] P-51D
(HU) [Stock] Bf-109G-14
(HU) [Stock] Fiat CR42
(HU) [Stock] FW-190F-8
(IN) Pearl Harbor Mission by looneytunes
(IN) [BH-21] A6M2-21
(IN) [BH-21] A6M2-N
(IN) [BH-21] A6M5
(IN) [BH-21] B5N2
(IN) [BH-21] D3A1
(IN) [BH-21] G4M1
(IN) [Stock] A6M2-21
(IN) [Stock] A6M2-N
(IN) [Stock] A6M5
(IN) [Stock] B5N2
(IN) [Stock] D3A1
(IN) [Stock] Glowing Glory (Campaign)
(IN) [Stock] J2M5
(IN) [Stock] N1K2-Ja
(IT) [BH-21] CR42
(IT) [BH-21] G50
(IT) [BH-21] SM79
(JA) Y-shiki target Chungking by gio963tto
(JA) [BH-21] Ki-27 Otsu
(JA) [BH-21] Ki-43-II Kai
(JA) [BH-21] Ki-45 Hei
(JA) [Stock] A6M2
(JA) [Stock] Ki-45
(JA) [Stock] Ki-84-1b
(NN) Dogfight! by Hamm66
(NN) Malta Missions by Hamm66
(NN) Middle East 1943 by eyler
(NN) Pacific Fighters by eyler
(NN) Single Missions by David Prosser
(NN) Single Missions by eyler
(NN) War Over Yugoslavia by Ranger97
(NN) [Racing] I-16 CUP Air Races by LAL_R_One
(NN) [Training] For Good Pilots by pilot_p-38
(NN) [Training] Snapshot (DE) by Dieg777
(NN) [Training] Snapshot (GB) by Dieg777
(NN) [Training] Straight from the Farm by Zeus-cat
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 01 by Blindman
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 02 by Blindman
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 03 by Blindman
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 04 by Blindman
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 05 by Blindman
(NN) [Training] TwoMinToAction - Diff. 06 by Blindman
(PL) Polish-Blue in Slovakia by David Prosser
(RA) Darwin Spitfires by POUSSIN1
(RA) Solomons by David Prosser
(RA) [BH-21] Beaufighter MkX
(RA) [BH-21] Gladiator MkI
(RN) Operation Pedestal by POUSSIN1
(RN) The Forgotten Fleet by ozric
(RN) [Stock] Seafire L MK III
(RO) [Stock] IAR 80
(RO) [Stock] IAR 81a
(RU) Central Ukraine 1943 (La) by Airbourne
(RU) Central Ukraine 1943 (Yak) by Airbourne
(RU) Forgotten Missions by UberDemon
(RU) G-11 Glider Training by UberDemon
(RU) Red Fighter (Bessarabia - La) by Airbourne
(RU) Red Fighter (Bessarabia - Yak) by Airbourne
(RU) Red Fighter (Donbas - La) by Airbourne
(RU) Red Fighter (Donbas - Yak) by Airbourne
(RU) Red Fighter (Slovakia - La) by Airbourne
(RU) Red Fighter (Slovakia - Yak) by Airbourne
(RU) [BH-21] I-15bis
(RU) [BH-21] I-16 Type6
(RU) [BH-21] IL-2M
(RU) [BH-21] IL-4
(RU) [BH-21] Pe-8
(RU) [BH-21] SB 2M-100A
(RU) [BH-21] Yak-9D
(RU) [Stock] Blinding Sun (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Bomber (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Burning Ridge (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Fighter (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Hurricane MkIIB
(RU) [Stock] I-153
(RU) [Stock] I-15bis
(RU) [Stock] I-185
(RU) [Stock] IL-10
(RU) [Stock] IL-2
(RU) [Stock] IL-4
(RU) [Stock] La-5
(RU) [Stock] La-5F
(RU) [Stock] La-7
(RU) [Stock] LaGG-3RD
(RU) [Stock] MiG-3U
(RU) [Stock] Normandie-Nieman
(RU) [Stock] P-40
(RU) [Stock] P-47
(RU) [Stock] Pe-2
(RU) [Stock] Pe-2 - Front Lines (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Pe-2 - Navy Bomber (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Pe-3
(RU) [Stock] Pe-8
(RU) [Stock] SB 2M-100A
(RU) [Stock] Spitfire MkVB
(RU) [Stock] Sturmoviks over Manchuria (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] TB-3
(RU) [Stock] VVS - 46 (Campaign)
(RU) [Stock] Yak-3R
(RU) [Stock] Zveno-SPB
(RZ) [BH-21] Beaufighter MkX
(SK) [BH-21] B-534-IV
(SK) [Stock] Bf-109E-4
(SK) [Stock] Bf-109E-7
(SK) [Stock] Bf-109F-4
(SK) [Stock] Bf-109G-2
(SK) [Stock] Bf-109G-6
(UM) Darwin by David Prosser
(UM) PTO Nightfighters (Corsair) by POUSSIN1
(UM) PTO Nightfighters (Hellcat) by POUSSIN1
(UM) [BH-21] F4F-3
(UM) [BH-21] F4F-4
(UM) [BH-21] F4U-1
(UM) [BH-21] F4U-1A
(UM) [BH-21] SBD-3
(UN) PTO Nightfighters (Corsair) by POUSSIN1
(UN) PTO Nightfighters (Hellcat) by POUSSIN1
(UN) The Invasion of Japan by Ranger97
(UN) USS Enterprise (1941-45) by KevinHoggard
(UN) [BH-21] F4F-3
(UN) [BH-21] F4F-4
(UN) [BH-21] F6F-3
(UN) [BH-21] FM-2
(UN) [BH-21] SBD-3
(UN) [Stock] F4F-3
(UN) [Stock] F4F-4
(UN) [Stock] F4U-1A
(UN) [Stock] F4U-1D
(UN) [Stock] F6F-3
(UN) [Stock] F6F-5
(UN) [Stock] FM-2
(UN) [Stock] P-40B
(UN) [Stock] SBD-3
(US) Black Scorpions by KevinHoggard
(US) EuroWar 1946 by eyler
(US) Guadalcanal by KevinHoggard
(US) Hawaii 1943 by eyler
(US) Pappy at Asch 1944-45 by JMarso
(US) PTO Nightfighters (Blackwidow) by POUSSIN1
(US) PTO Nightfighters (Lightning) by POUSSIN1
(US) Slade Single Missions by eyler
(US) The Great South American War by eyler
(US) Yoxford Boys 1944 by Ranger97
(US) [BH-21] A-24A
(US) [BH-21] P-38L
(US) [BH-21] P-400
(US) [BH-21] P-51B
(US) [BH-21] P-51D
(US) [Stock] A-20C
(US) [Stock] B-25J
(US) [Stock] P-47
(US) [Stock] P-51B
(US) [Stock] P-51C
(US) [Stock] P-51D
(US) [Stock] YP-80


(AR) Falklands War by danperin
(BR) Border Control (2015) by danperin
(BR) Invasion (1976) by danperin
(IK) Iran-Irak War (Tu-22) by gio963tto
(IQ) The Six Day War by vern
(IQ) War of Attrition by vern
(IQ) Yom Kippur War by vern
(IS) Desert Air Battles by eyler
(IS) Israel-Lebanon War (1982) by KevinHoggard
(NN) Korea 1960 (Single Missions) by eyler
(NN) Single Missions by eyler
(NN) Single Missions by Geschirrspülmaschine19
(RN) Falklands Conflict (RAF Harrier GR3) by Hamm66
(RN) Falklands Conflict (Sea Harrier) by Hamm66
(RN) Falklands Conflict (Wessex) by Hamm66
(RU) MiG-21PF Training by SpongeBob
(RU) Project 85 by mace
(UM) Korea - Frozen Chosin by bergkamp
(UM) Korea - Pusan to Inchon by bergkamp
(UN) Hell from the Sky by Ranger97
(UN) Top Gun by xxxautoxxx
(US) Dustoff - Vietnam by KevinHoggard

~ Community Pack Volume 2 ~

+2000 Missions! Among the many mission/campaign authors some have produced an enormous amount of content and some keep pushing today the boundaries of what is possible. You know our "usual suspects" well: Monty27, vampire_pilot and Poltava!

Download: BAT_SingleMissionPack_Volume2.zip (Last update: 15-Nov-2020)

Code: [Select]

(DE) D.O.F. 01 The Eagle of Lille (1915) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 02 The Raven of Lille (1915) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 03 The Coldest Hell (1916) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 04 The Flying Circus (1917) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 05 Ostfront (1917) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 06 Kaiserschlacht DVI (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 07 Kaiserschlacht DVII (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 08 Kaiserschlacht SSDI (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 09 Virtuoso (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 10 Luftfriedensturm DVI (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 11 Luftfriedensturm DVII (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 12 Luftfriedensturm SSDI (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 13 Trial by Combat (1918) by Monty27
(DE) D.O.F. 14 The Last Eagles (1918) by Monty27
(DE) Green-Tailed Devils by Poltava
(FR) D.O.F. 01 Early Days (1914) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 02 The Vosges (1914) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 03 The Race to the Sea (1914) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 04 Skydancer! (1915) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 05 Bebe (1916) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 06 Symbol of Pride (1916) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 07 Flyboys (1916) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 08 Aces High! (1917) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 09 Razor's Edge (1918) by Monty27
(FR) D.O.F. 10 Razor's Edge II (1918) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 01 Time Will Tell (1916) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 02 The Somme (1916) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 03 The Strutter (1916) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 04 Bloody April (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 05 Bloody Triplane (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 06 The First Blitz (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 07 Code of Honour (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 08 The Palestine Brigade (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 09 Allenby's Boys (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 10 Wheels of Terror (1917) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 11 Artillery Spotter (1918) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 12 Angels of Armegeddon (1918) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 13 Checkmate (1918) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 14 The Reckoning (1918) by Monty27
(GB) D.O.F. 15 The Swallow (1918) by Monty27
(HU) Adolf Heyrowsky by vampire_pilot
(HU) D.O.F. 01 The Battle of Karfreit (1917) by Monty27
(HU) D.O.F. 02 The Red Skulls (1917) by Monty27
(HU) D.O.F. 03 Misadventure at Piave (1918) by Monty27
(HU) K.u.K. Flik 1 (Russian Front) by vampire_pilot
(HU) K.u.K. Flik 41J (Italian Front) by vampire_pilot
(HU) K.u.K. Flik 60J (Italian Front) by vampire_pilot
(HU) Kaiserstaffel by vampire_pilot
(HU) The Eagle of Trieste by vampire_pilot
(IT) D.O.F. 01 The Trentino Front (1917) by Monty27
(IT) D.O.F. 02 The Battle of Caporetto (1917) by Monty27
(IT) D.O.F. 03 The Black Knight (1917) by Monty27
(IT) D.O.F. 04 Legends of Piave (1918) by Monty27
(RE) D.O.F. 01 The Eastern Front (1916) by Monty27
(RE) D.O.F. 02 Red October (1917) by Monty27
(RN) D.O.F. 01 Gallipoli (1915) by Monty27
(RN) D.O.F. 02 Deadly Skies (1917) by Monty27
(RN) D.O.F. 03 School of Hard Knocks (1917) by Monty27
(US) D.O.F. 01 Lucky Eight (1918) by Monty27
(US) D.O.F. 02 Pincers (1918) by Monty27


(CN) B-10 Bombers over Japan 1938 by Poltava
(DE) Battle for Brunete 1937 (BF109) by Poltava
(DE) Battle for Brunete 1937 (HE51) by Poltava
(DE) S.C.W. 01 Cutting the Cord (1936) by Monty27
(DE) S.C.W. 02 Angelitos Over Corunna (1936) by Monty27
(ES) Battle for Belchite 1937 by Poltava
(ES) Blood Comes Out Singing by Poltava
(ES) S.C.W. 01 Uprising! (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 02 Bulldogs of San Sebastian (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 03 Spanish Fury (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 04 Moscas Over Madrid (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 05 The Corunna Road (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 06 The Villareal Offensive (1936) by Monty27
(ES) S.C.W. 07 Counter Attack! (1937) by Monty27
(FI) Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War by Poltava
(IT) S.C.W. 01 Freccias Over Madrid (1936) by Monty27
(IT) S.C.W. 02 The Road Warriors (1936) by Monty27
(IT) S.C.W. 03 The Balearic Falcons (1936) by Monty27
(NN) The Jetman! by vampire_pilot
(RU) S.C.W. 01 Chatos Over Madrid (1936) by Monty27
(RU) S.C.W. 02 Defenders of the North (1936) by Monty27
(SP) Battle for Brunete 1937 (CR32) by Poltava
(SP) S.C.W. 01 Revolution! (1936) by Monty27
(SP) S.C.W. 02 Conquest of San Sebastian! (1936) by Monty27
(SP) S.C.W. 03 Besieged at Villarreal (1936) by Monty27
(SP) S.C.W. 04 Return to Corunna (1937) by Monty27


(DE) Abbeville Boys by Poltava
(DE) B.O.B. 01 Target England (1940) by Monty27
(DE) B.O.B. 02 Ace of Spades (1940) by Monty27
(DE) B.O.B. 03 Adlertag (1940) by Monty27
(DE) B.O.B. 04 Dornier Blitz (1940) by Monty27
(DE) B.O.B. 05 Heinkel Blitz (1940) by Monty27
(DE) Battle over Bavaria by vampire_pilot
(DE) Kammhuber Line 1941 (Bf-110) by Poltava
(DE) Killer in the Dark 1944 (He 219) by Poltava
(DE) Komet! by vampire_pilot
(DE) Operation Battleaxe by Poltava
(DE) Single Missions for the Fa-223 by vampire_pilot
(DE) The Legend of the Red 13 by vampire_pilot
(FI) Arctic Brewsters by Poltava
(FI) Payback! - Finnish Curtiss Hawks in 1941 by Poltava
(FR) Battle for France (1940) by Poltava
(FR) Polish Cyclone - France 1940 by Poltava
(GB) B.O.B. 01 The First of Many (1940) by Monty27
(GB) B.O.B. 02 Their Finest Hour (1940) by Monty27
(GB) B.O.B. 03 Duel of Eagles (1940) by Monty27
(GB) B.O.B. 04 Spitfire Scramble (1940) by Monty27
(GB) B.O.B. 05 The Long Hot Summer (1940) by Monty27
(GB) Baby Blitz 1944 (Mosquito Mk XIII NF) by Poltava
(GB) Hurricanes over France 1940 by Poltava
(GB) Malta Sunderlands by Poltava
(GB) The Valiant Never Taste Death by Poltava
(GB) Typhoons over Normandy by Poltava
(IN) 343 Kokutai - Genda's Blade by vampire_pilot
(IN) Empire Defenders (D4Y3-S) by Poltava
(IN) Empire Defenders (J1N1-Sa) by Poltava
(IN) Ohka! Suicide Mission 1945 by Poltava
(JA) Empire Defenders (Ki-109) by Poltava
(JA) Empire Defenders (Ki-45 Tei) by Poltava
(JA) Empire Defenders (Ki-46 Otsu Hei) by Poltava
(JA) Operation Tsuzigiri by Poltava
(PL) Desperate Days by Poltava
(RO) Romanian Barbarossa 1941 (He-112) by Poltava
(RO) Romanian Barbarossa 1941 (IAR 80) by Poltava
(RO) Romanian Barbarossa 1941 (PZL P-24E) by Poltava
(UN) Midway - Four Days in June by Monty27
(US) Philippine Peashooter by Poltava


(EH) Wings Over Ogaden (F-5A) by vampire_pilot
(EH) Wings Over Ogaden (F-5E) by vampire_pilot
(FR) Algeria 1959 by vampire_pilot
(ID) Hunters of 1971 by vampire_pilot
(ID) Indian MiG-21 1971 by vampire_pilot
(ID) INS Vikrant 1971 by vampire_pilot
(IK) Iran-Irak War (Mig-21) by vampire_pilot
(IK) Iran-Irak War (Mig-23) by vampire_pilot
(IK) Iran-Irak War (Su-22) by vampire_pilot
(IK) Iran-Irak War (Su-25) by vampire_pilot
(IK) Mi-24 against Daesh by vampire_pilot
(IR) Iran-Irak War (F-14) by vampire_pilot
(IR) Iran-Irak War (F-4) by vampire_pilot
(IR) Iran-Irak War (F-5) by vampire_pilot
(NN) B.A.T. Training by Monty27
(NN) Gulf of Sidra Incident by vampire_pilot
(NN) Meteor intercepts Canberra by vampire_pilot
(NN) Persian Sabres over Congo by vampire_pilot
(RA) Meteors in Korea by vampire_pilot
(UM) Harrier Pilot (Training) by Monty27
(UM) Hornet Nest (Training) by Monty27
(UM) HRS-3 in Korea by vampire_pilot
(UM) Vietnam - The Siege of Khe Sanh by Monty27
(UN) F2H Banshee Korea by vampire_pilot
(UN) F9F Panther Korea by vampire_pilot
(UN) Flight of the Intruder by Monty27
(UN) Screaming Eagles over Korea by Monty27
(US) F-82 in Korea by vampire_pilot
(US) F-86 over MiG Alley (Hot Honcho) by vampire_pilot
(US) F-86 Sabres over Korea by vampire_pilot
(US) Mud Movers 1952 by vampire_pilot
(US) UH-1D Huey over Vietnam by vampire_pilot

~ Community Pack Volume 3 ~

+2000 Missions! Volume 3 follows the spirit of Volume 1: Lots of single missions for many different aircraft thanks to Benny Vanderheyden (discovered by chance by Papy_Pitivier on Facebook).

The list of contributors is, once again, huge: Benny Vanderheyden, CzechTexan, Crossturn, David Prosser, Dubbo, eyler, enry711, genXgamer, HercJG54, Icefire, KevinHoggard, kopeda, Kurfurst, mace, Monty27, Poltava, redbaron96, rollnloop, stebas, Tore, Thompson, Timex62, UberDemon, vern, vampire_pilot, vpmedia and vonofterdingen. We thank them all.

Download: BAT_SingleMissionPack_Volume3.zip (Last update: 23-May-2021)

Code: [Select]

(DE) Pfalz DIII by David Prosser
(DE) Zeppelin Mission Pack by vampire_pilot
(HU) The Final Gamble (Aviatik-Berg) by Poltava
(HU) The Final Gamble (Hansa-Brandenburg) by Poltava
(HU) The Final Gamble (Oeffag) by Poltava
(HU) The Final Gamble (Phonix) by Poltava
(RN) 20 Minuters over Salonika by David Prosser


(ES) Battle for the Sierras 1936 by Poltava
(ES) Battle of Jarama 1937 (Chato) by Poltava
(ES) Battle of Jarama 1937 (Dewoitine) by Poltava
(ES) Defending Madrid in 1936 by Poltava
(ES) Defending Malaga! 1937 by Poltava
(ES) Fighters over Malaga 1937 by Poltava
(NN) [Racing] Schneider Trophy Races 1931 by vonofterdingen
(SP) Aragon Offensive 1938 (A.101) by Poltava
(SP) Aragon Offensive 1938 (Ba.65) by Poltava
(SP) Aragon Offensive 1938 (He-51C) by Poltava
(SP) Aragon Offensive 1938 (Ju-87A ) by Poltava
(SP) Aragon Offensive 1938 (Ro.37) by Poltava
(SP) Attack on Malaga 1937 by Poltava
(SP) Bombs over Malaga 1937 by Poltava
(SP) Luftwaffe Pilot - Legion Condor by vampire_pilot


(CN) China-Japan War 1938 by CzechTexan
(DE) Battle for Berlin 1943 (Bf-110G4 Nightfighter) by Poltava
(DE) Battle for Berlin 1943 (Ju-88 C6) by Poltava
(DE) Battle for Malta 1941 by Poltava
(DE) Bf-109F Single Mission Pack by Tore
(DE) Bloody Biscay 1942 by Poltava
(DE) Eye in the Sky 1942 by Poltava
(DE) Fictional Missions for Bf-109L by kopeda
(DE) Fighting the Bombers by vpmedia
(DE) Hunter in the Dark 1944 (Bf 110 G-4) by Poltava
(DE) Jet Nightfighter 1945 (Arado 234B) by Poltava
(DE) Jet Nightfighter 1945 (Me-262B1) by Poltava
(DE) Messerschmitt Bf-109L by redbaron96
(DE) MiG-Allee! 1946 by vampire_pilot
(DE) Operation Taifun 1941 by Poltava
(DE) Pioneer Corps by Monty27
(DE) Prag 1945 - Me-262 by vampire_pilot
(DE) Storm Clouds by Icefire
(DE) Storm over England 1940 by Poltava
(DE) The Sea Eagles - Trägergruppe 186 by Crossturn
(DE) Triumph in the West 1940 by Poltava
(DE) [Benny] Bf-109
(DE) [Benny] Bf-109 K-4
(DE) [Benny] Bf-110 G-2
(DE) [Benny] Do-335 V-13
(DE) [Benny] Fw-190
(DE) [Benny] Fw-190 A-8
(DE) [Benny] Fw-190 D-9
(DE) [Benny] Fw-190 F-8
(DE) [Benny] Go-229 A-1
(DE) [Benny] He-111
(DE) [Benny] He-162 A-2
(DE) [Benny] Hs-129 B-2
(DE) [Benny] Ju-87
(DE) [Benny] Ju-88 A-17
(DE) [Benny] Ju-88 A-4
(DE) [Benny] Me-163 B-1
(DE) [Benny] Me-262 HG-II
(DE) [Benny] Ta-152 C
(DE) [Benny] Ta-152 H-1
(FI) Finland Fights Back! by Poltava
(FI) Siege of Hanko 1941 by Poltava
(FI) Svir Battles 1942 by Poltava
(FI) [Benny] B-239
(FI) [Benny] Fiat G50
(FI) [Benny] Fokker DXXI
(FR) Glory and Defeat 1940 by Poltava
(FR) Indochina (A-26 Invader) by CzechTexan
(FR) Indochina (AU-1 Corsair) by CzechTexan
(FR) To Lose a Battle 1940 by Poltava
(FR) Un du Normandie Niemen by rollnloop
(GB) Battle of Crete 1943 by eyler
(GB) Bodenplatte Mission Pack by Poltava
(GB) Defend Rangoon by CzechTexan
(GB) Desert War 1940-41 by Poltava
(GB) Fighter Boys - Saving Britain in 1940 by Poltava
(GB) From Phoney War to Real War by Poltava
(GB) Mohawks of Arakan by CzechTexan
(GB) No. 112 Squadron 1939-1945 by KevinHoggard
(GB) Reaping the Whirlwind 1941 by Poltava
(GB) The 17 Percenters by vonofterdingen
(GB) The Meteors by vampire_pilot
(GB) The Vampires by vampire_pilot
(GB) [Benny] Beaufighter Mk21
(GB) [Benny] P-51D
(HU) [Benny] Bf-109G-14
(HU) [Benny] Fiat CR42
(HU) [Benny] Fw-190 F-8
(IN) For Those We Love by Kurfurst
(IN) Ikkitosen - The Akamatsu Story by vampire_pilot
(IN) J8M Shusui by vampire_pilot
(IN) Japan 1946 - J4M1 Senden by Poltava
(IN) Japan 1946 - Kyushu J7W Shinden by Poltava
(IN) Japan 1946 - Nakajima Kikka by Poltava
(IN) [Benny] A6M2-21
(IN) [Benny] A6M2-N
(IN) [Benny] A6M5
(IN) [Benny] B5N2
(IN) [Benny] J2M5
(IN) [Benny] N1K2
(IN) [Benny] N1K2-Ja
(IT) Cr32 by David Prosser
(IT) Italian Ground Pounders 1941 by Poltava
(IT) Pedestal - The Battle of Mid-August by stebas
(JA) Battle for Imphal (Ki-48) 1944 by Poltava
(JA) Battle for Imphal (Ki-49) 1944 by Poltava
(JA) Japan 1946 - Ki-94-II by Poltava
(JA) Japan 1946 - Mitsubishi Ki-83 by Poltava
(JA) Japan 1946 - Rikugun Ki-93 by Poltava
(JA) Ki-44 Shoki over China by vampire_pilot
(JA) [Benny] A6M2
(JA) [Benny] Ki-45
(JA) [Benny] Ki-84-1b
(JA) [Benny] N1K2-Ja
(NN) Mission Pack by Thompson
(NN) Towed Targets and Aerial Messages by mace
(RA) 453 Squadron Scramble by genXgamer
(RA) Bushpigs by Dubbo
(RA) Castaways by Dubbo
(RN) Pedestal - The Battle of Mid-August by stebas
(RN) The Senior Service by Timex62
(RN) [Benny] Seafire L MkII
(RN) [Benny] Seafire L MkIII
(RN) [Benny] Seafire MkIII
(RO) [Benny] IAR 80
(RO) [Benny] IAR 81a
(RU) Forgotten BI-1 Campaign by UberDemon
(RU) [Benny] Hurricane MkIIb
(RU) [Benny] I-15 bis
(RU) [Benny] I-153
(RU) [Benny] I-185
(RU) [Benny] Il-10
(RU) [Benny] Il-2
(RU) [Benny] Il-4
(RU) [Benny] La-5
(RU) [Benny] La-5F
(RU) [Benny] La-7
(RU) [Benny] Lagg-3RD
(RU) [Benny] MBR-2
(RU) [Benny] Mig-3U
(RU) [Benny] P-40
(RU) [Benny] Pe-2
(RU) [Benny] Pe-3
(RU) [Benny] Pe-8
(RU) [Benny] SB 3M-100A
(RU) [Benny] TB-3
(RU) [Benny] U-2
(RU) [Benny] Yak-3R
(SK) [Benny] Avia B-534
(SK) [Benny] Bf-109 E-4
(SK) [Benny] Bf-109 G-2
(SK) [Benny] Bf-109 G-6
(UN) [Benny] F4F-3
(UN) [Benny] F4F-4
(UN) [Benny] F4U-1D
(UN) [Benny] F6F-3
(UN) [Benny] F6F-5
(UN) [Benny] SBD-3
(US) Bodenplatte Mission Pack by Poltava
(US) Darwin Defenders 1942 by Poltava
(US) Flying Tigers Battle for Rangoon by CzechTexan
(US) Flying Tigers Over Burma by CzechTexan
(US) Solomons Fortress by CzechTexan
(US) [Benny] A-20C
(US) [Benny] B-25J
(US) [Benny] P-47
(US) [Benny] P-51B
(US) [Benny] P-51C
(US) [Benny] P-51D
(US) [Benny] YP-80


(AR) Malvinas War 1982 by HercJG54
(AR) The Falklands War (A4) by vern
(AR) The Falklands War (Dagger) by vern
(GB) DH103 Hornets Training by mace
(NV) Nam War (MiG-17) by vern
(NV) Nam War (MiG-21) by vern
(NV) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711
(RA) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711
(RN) The Falklands War by vern
(UM) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711
(UN) Nam War (A-1) by vern
(UN) Nam War (A-4) by vern
(UN) Nam War (A-7) by vern
(UN) Nam War (F-4) by vern
(UN) Nam War (F-8) by vern
(UN) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711
(US) Air War Over North Vietnam by HercJG54
(US) Nam War (F-105) by vern
(US) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711
(VN) Wings over 'Nam (1965-1973) by enry711

~ Community Pack Volume 4 ~

+2000 Missions! One of the highlights of Volume 4 is the introduction of 25 Campaigns by campaign master DHumphrey. DHumphrey develops his works with VP-Modpack and he authorized me to have his missions updated to BAT standards and included in the packs for BAT players to enjoy his wonderful campaigns. Many thanks, DHumphrey!

Here is the full list of authors that made Volume 4 possible: bergkamp, cbradbury, Cracken, DHumphrey, DixieCapt, Dubbo, EHood, huebydoo, Icefire, mexchiwa, Nero, Poltava, stebas, Tore, vampire_pilot, Vendigo, vern, vpmedia and wyoproducer. Big thanks to each one of them.

Download: BAT_SingleMissionPack_Volume4.zip (Last update: 23-May-2021)

Code: [Select]

(GB) Death comes from the sands by Nero
(IL) Colonial adventures in the Belle Epoque by Nero
(NN) Pioneers of Flight by cbradbury
(RE) It was in the Caucasus by Nero
(RE) The Battle for Galicia by Nero
(RE) The Persian Front by Nero


(AB) The Lion of Abyssinia by vampire_pilot
(BO) Bolivian Chaco War by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (B10) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (DB3) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (Dewoitine510) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (Gladiator) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (Hawk75) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (Hawk_III) by Poltava
(CN) Wuhan Battles 1938 (SB2) by Poltava
(FI) Winter War 1939-40 (Bulldog & Fiat G.50) by Poltava
(FI) Winter War 1939-40 (Bulldog & Gladiator) by Poltava
(FI) Winter War 1939-40 (Bulldog & MS.406) by Poltava
(FI) Winter War 1939-40 (Fokker D.XXI) by Poltava
(FR) French Hawks over China by Poltava
(IT) Vado in Abissinia by Cracken
(PA) Paraguayan Chaco War by Poltava


(DE) Battleaxe 1941 - Hurricane Pilot by Poltava
(DE) Battleaxe 1941 - Stuka Pilot by Poltava
(DE) Bodenplatte Mission Pack by Poltava
(DE) Fallschirmjager by DHumphrey
(DE) FW190 Campaign 01 Defense over Europe by Tore
(DE) FW190 Campaign 02 Invasion of D-Day by Tore
(DE) FW190 Campaign 03 Defense of the Reich by Tore
(DE) Greiffs over the Donbass 1943 by Poltava
(DE) Kommando Nowotny (Me-262) by Vendigo
(DE) Last Ditch Nightfighter 1945 by Poltava
(DE) Onwards to Stalingrad! 01 by Poltava
(DE) Onwards to Stalingrad! 02 by Poltava
(DE) Onwards to Stalingrad! 03 by Poltava
(DE) Onwards to Stalingrad! 04 by Poltava
(DE) Onwards to Stalingrad! 05 by Poltava
(DE) Operation Oak - The Rescue of Mussolini by DHumphrey
(DE) Peoples Fighter by DHumphrey
(DE) The JG 27 Afrika by DHumphrey
(DE) The Rocket Fighter by DHumphrey
(DE) Y.O.T. 01 Spanish Civil War (1937) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 02 Invasion of Poland (1939) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 03 North Sea Battles (1939) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 04 Phoney War (1939-40) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 05 Invasion of Holland (1940) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 06 Battle for France (1940) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 07 Battle of Britain (1940) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 08 Battle over Malta (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 09 Campaign against Yugoslavia (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 10 Battle over Malta (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 11 North African Battles (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 12 Operation Barbarossa (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 13 Kiev (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 14 Donbass (1941) by Poltava
(DE) Y.O.T. 15 Operation Taifun (1941) by Poltava
(DU) Battle for Holland 1940 (Fokker DXXIII) by Poltava
(DU) Battle for Holland 1940 (Fokker G1) by Poltava
(FR) Battle for France (1940) - Arsenal VG-33 by Poltava
(FR) Battle for France (1940) - Potez 631 by Poltava
(FR) ÉLAN! French Light Bombers (1940) - Br.693 by Poltava
(FR) ÉLAN! French Light Bombers (1940) - LN.411 by Poltava
(FR) ÉLAN! French Light Bombers (1940) - V-156F by Poltava
(GB) Fortress Malta by vpmedia
(GB) Mosquito Missions by DHumphrey
(GB) No. 27 Squadron - The Flying Elephants by DHumphrey
(GB) Storm Clouds by Icefire
(GB) The Dambusters by DHumphrey
(GB) The Desert Air War by DHumphrey
(GB) The Desert Airforce by bergkamp
(GB) The Falcon of Malta by DHumphrey
(GR) Hellenic Fighter by vampire_pilot
(IN) Akagi by DHumphrey
(IN) Coral Sea by stebas
(IN) Fire over Darwin 1942 by Poltava
(IN) Invasion Rabaul by DHumphrey
(IN) Nells over Singapore by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 01 Invasion of Abyssinia by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 02 The Spanish Civil War by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 03 Mercenary in China by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 04 Battle for France by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 05 Conquest of Somaliland by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 06 Battle of Britain by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 07 Attack on Greece by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 08 Malta Air Attack by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 09 Air War over Libya by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 10 Invasion of Russia by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 11 Battle of Gazala by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 12 First Battle of El Alamein by Poltava
(IT) Courage Alone 13 Battle of Alam Halfa by Poltava
(IT) The Sword of Rome by DHumphrey
(JA) Days of the Demon 1944 by Poltava
(JA) Green Hell of Burma 1943 by Poltava
(JA) Singapore Blitz by Poltava
(JA) The Jungles of Burma 1943 by Poltava
(NN) Anti-tank Warfare by vpmedia
(NN) Pearl Harbor (What If) by EHood
(RA) No. 457 Squadron by DHumphrey
(RN) Battle of Madagascar by DHumphrey
(RN) The Luck of the Devil by DHumphrey
(RU) High above the Khalkin-Gol 1939 by Poltava
(RZ) RNZAF No.3 Bomber Squadron by DHumphrey
(UM) Medal of Honor by DHumphrey
(UM) USMC Career 01 Battle for the Solomons Islands by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 02 Battle for New Glouster by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 03 First Carrier Raids by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 04 Battle for Letye by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 05 Second Carrier Raids by DixieCapt
(UM) Wake Island - Into the Flying Pan by wyoproducer
(UM) Wake Island - Out of the Flier by wyoproducer
(UN) Black Cats by DHumphrey
(UN) Coral Sea by stebas
(UN) FR-1 Fireball vs. G10N by vampire_pilot
(US) 475th Satan's Angels by DHumphrey
(US) Final Assault by DHumphrey
(US) Hellhounds Part One by Dubbo
(US) Hellhounds Part Two by Dubbo
(US) Just an Eyelash - FEAF 1941 by DixieCapt
(US) OSS Clandestine Rogues by DixieCapt
(US) Storm Clouds by Icefire
(US) The Aleutian Islands by DHumphrey
(US) The Battle of the Bismarck by DHumphrey
(US) The Grim Reapers by DHumphrey
(US) VF-9 Cat-o-Nines by DHumphrey


(CA) Sabres Over the Rhine by huebydoo
(EG) Suez Crisis 1956 by vampire_pilot
(ID) Indo-Pakistani Wars (Hunter) by vern
(ID) Indo-Pakistani Wars (MiG-21) by vern
(ID) Indo-Pakistani Wars (Su-7) by vern
(ID) Sabre Slayers - IAF Gnat 1965 by vampire_pilot
(IS) Operation Kadesh 1956 by vern
(PK) F-16 Falcons of Pakistan by vampire_pilot
(PK) Indo-Pakistani Wars (F-104) by vern
(PK) Indo-Pakistani Wars (F-86) by vern
(PK) Indo-Pakistani Wars (MiG-19) by vern
(PK) Indo-Pakistani Wars (Mirage-III) by vern
(RN) Operation Musketeer 1956 by vern
(RU) Black Tuesday - Korea 1951 by Poltava
(UM) Nightcats over Korea 1952 by Poltava
(UM) USMC Career 01 Korea War Tours by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 02 Taiwan Strait Incident by DixieCapt
(UM) USMC Career 03 The Vietnam War Tours by DixieCapt
(US) Black Tuesday - Korea 1951 by Poltava
(US) Operation Strangle 1951 by Poltava
(US) Thud Ridge 1966 by vampire_pilot

Disclaimer: Sometimes missions are researched and created by one person and later converted or enhanced by a different author. I credited in these packs the publisher of the mission or mission sets. Blame whistler if you disagree, it's entirely my fault.

Have fun! 8)
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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2019, 02:51:07 AM »

Looking for more Single Mission madness?

Doctor UberDemon has some pills for you, get your dose here: UQMG for B.A.T.

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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2019, 02:51:27 AM »

A brilliant addition!  8)
Let the victor be justice...


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2019, 02:53:09 AM »

Awesome!! :) :) :)
Huge thanks


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2019, 02:53:39 AM »




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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2019, 03:17:35 AM »

And the next impressive pack for BAT!  :o

Many thanks for all your work with this Whistler!  ;)
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2019, 03:45:17 AM »

Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2019, 10:10:08 AM »

Wohoo!!! Awesome packs! Thank you, mate!  :) :) :)

P.S.: I've updated all wrong dates on my JetEra missions and adjusted some stuff! I'm honored you guys are posting my stuff in packs. :)


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2019, 09:35:41 PM »

Looks great! However, shouldn't this be in the BAT Missions and Campaigns section?


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2019, 05:58:53 AM »

Thanks Whistler. Good work. Am I correct in thinking these are all the existing campaigns broken down into individual missions or are they a mixture of both campaigns and individual missions.


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2019, 06:07:10 AM »

Thanks Whistler,tops.


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Re: B.A.T. Single Mission Community Packs
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2019, 06:47:38 AM »

Be my guest larschance! We are talking a 50mb and 30mb zips respectively: download, peek, grumble, rejoice, reorder, rename, change, delete!

Goal number one was to provide playable content right out of the box for all modules. Fire BAT up, click random and off you go. That's the idea. Only missions: no skins, no context. Elaborated missions for when you just have the time for a quick sortie. I would say 90-95% of the content are campaigns being played in single mission mode.

Goal number two was to standardize as many missions/campaigns as possible in one go. I can't upload each and every campaign that got an update so here is the result presented in streamlined downloads. It is up to you now to download the original packages to get the skins and/or play the missions in campaign mode.
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