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Author Topic: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.  (Read 13292 times)

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The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« on: August 26, 2019, 01:45:15 PM »

Hello guys, could some of you please give this a test in your installs for me please. ;)

Updated 13th May 2021 by P.Shaw aka Mission_bug.

Previous links to W.I.P. and skin updates removed as a new release has been posted in the German singles section:


Hs126A-1 by Edlor work in progress now has smoke pods and flares added as options.

Changes since previous release:

New FM from Vasya at AviaSkins.

The damage model that previously relied on a different underlying model has now been replaced by something purpose made from parts of the 126 and new made 3d items made by Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug.

Most of the Co-Common items have been altered to fit the 126 except for those around the engine but the existing hooks were left as before.

Wing parts have been capped at the ends where necessary to stop see through when they detach but there is no internal skin so the previous damage textures are used without any alpha holes cut in.

The new default skins now contain the new damage model but all older skins will need to be updated otherwise they will show the background colour once the damage model activates.

Updated 1024 template included in the download.

Export scheme unmarked is the default, you will need to add something else of your choice but it will need the new damage parts adding to your textures.

Please remove completely the previous folder as there have been extensive alterations, do not overwrite what you now have and add it to your install as you would a new mod. 

Names for the aircraft and the SSP are different from earlier versions released at the site so check the readme.

Notes from previous update:

New code: Mike Storebror.

Needs SAS Common Utils to be installed:


IL-2 4.09 Rebels need to have the "AircraftLH Stub Class Mod" installed.
If you don't have it yet, get it here:
AircraftLH "Stub" Class Mod for 4.09 Rebels only:
AircraftLH Stub Class Mod for 4.09m based games only

Hello guys, this update Dreamk sent me has been sitting on my hard drive and in a private link now for some time so here is a update for you to test. ;)

The classes are unaltered from what Dreamk sent all I have done is replace the 3D in the folder 'Rack_EHVC500', with the rack
I made for the port side that locates under the wing strut there and alter the hooks to accept the load for it.

The Mod works in my 4.12 with ModAct 5.30, however, unless I place it at the upper end of my folder structure I
get a CTD at 100% when loading the QMB mission.

In a BAT install the mod needs to be loaded above the weapons options.

Only certain options show in a 4.10 install, not sure why as they all did previously and all the options seem to be
included in the arms folder.

I de-compiled the classes to see what the issue was but am unsure as to what Dreamk has done there as the types are now
missing all the previous load outs and only show certain ones, maybe another class adds the previous ones I do not know, beyond
my capabilities, sorry.

There was no read me from Dreamk so I cannot make any recommendations as to what your install might require but the air.ini
entries have not changed.

The previous version worked in three different installs, I cannot test 4.09 as I do not have one and 4.10 has the problems mentioned so please be aware you test at your own risk.

Dreamk added the loadouts in cod files and as I have no access to the tools to alter these all technical questions will have to be directed to Dreamk.

Thank you very much to all who have contributed to this mod, your assistance is really appreciated.

Pete Shaw, aka Mission_bug, April 2021.


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 10:46:31 PM »

I just now found this plane Pete.....
It flys very well .... Everything works... Good load outs ......
I did find one thing you may want to look at .. That would be a the pilots gun.... Mine was shooting about  [guess here ]   6 inches low....
 Other than that ALL GOOD...... ;)  My install is 4.12.2 + 5.3

Good Job and Thank You


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2019, 01:02:54 PM »

Glad you like it <Gunny>. 8)

I did make a start on trying to sort out the damage model but that is part of a version still getting dusty on my hard drive. :(

As I explained, the java was written again by Dreamk to incorporate the smoke tanks and flares, I am unable to make any further changes to the code, so in this particular link I am sorry to report any bugs in that will remain unless Dreamk takes another look. 

The gun might be doable in the mesh, not sure, depends what the issue is caused by, however, unless I return to the damage model at some time things will remain as is unless it is picked up by someone else. ;)

I merely added my 3d part to this update.

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2019, 07:51:57 AM »

I came back and did a little testing Pete... This plane is super FAST... The picture shows I'm doing 300MPH...
I get air sick at that speed...... ]dontknow[
It does not over speed on all maps... The worst that I have found is the Bessarabia in QMB ..Go figure ..



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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2019, 06:06:16 AM »

Hello <Gunny>, welcome to the jet age. :o

To be honest I had never noticed the speed issue because my work more involved other areas of the aircraft than the FM, loads and skins and a little 3d were my primary contributions. :-[

This particular version is actually a re-work of the earlier and the java was written again by Dreamk to add the additional weapons he developed.

He would be the best to alter the FM than me as I merely tinker with those aspects of anything I work on so not sure if I could reduce it or not. ;)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2019, 07:15:22 AM »

In the plane's flight model, it simply has no drag.
None, nada, not at all.
That's the reason why.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2019, 12:40:06 PM »

In the plane's flight model, it simply has no drag.
None, nada, not at all.
That's the reason why.


That is good to know Mike, thank you very much for letting us know as it will help anyone who takes a look at the FM. 8)

Will save any needless meddling with things that are okay as they are. ;)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2019, 01:02:31 PM »

That would be a the pilots gun.... Mine was shooting about  [guess here ]   6 inches low....

This has nothing to do with java but with angle of the _MGUN01 and _MGUN02 hooks

Just open with a text editor the CF_D0.msh in the plane folder, and go to this section:

-1.51935e-007 -0.999048 -0.0436201 1.16285 0.0 -2.80687e-007 2.28703e-007 -0.0436201 0.999048 -0.189077 -3.59131 0.67    //_MGUN01
-1.51935e-007 -0.999048 -0.0436201 1.16285 0.0 -2.80687e-007 2.28703e-007 -0.0436201 0.999048 0.189077 -3.59131 0.67    //_MGUN02

The first part of these lines (-1.51935e-007 -0.999048 -0.0436201 1.16285 0.0 -2.80687e-007 2.28703e-007 -0.0436201 0.999048) entered in the Kumpel Matrix gives us the angles (x,y,z) (0, -2.5,-90)

Try to replace these by this:

0 -1 0   1 0 0   0 0 1 -0.189077 -3.59131 0.67 //_MGUN01
0 -1 0   1 0 0   0 0 1 0.189077 -3.59131 0.67 //_MGUN01

and tell us what happens  ;)



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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2019, 04:00:53 PM »

Thank You DreamK that fixed it....Spot on now.... ;)


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2019, 01:30:09 PM »

Thank you very much for the gun fix Dreamk, really appreciated. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2019, 01:51:02 AM »

Hello guys, could some of you please give this a test in your installs for me please.

Hello Pete, hi Dreamk,

the three versions of the Hs-126 fly flawlessly in my 4.10.1 & #DBW & Tigers UV3.

Thank you very much for your works.



FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: The last update done of the Edlor Hs-126 by Dreamk.
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2019, 04:58:19 AM »

The plane works in my 4.10 install, no problems.

Well, there is one thing that is surprising: I've flown it at 450 km/h and not even at 100% full throttle. That makes it faster than an Me-262 in many instances! Surely this plane couldn't fly that fast.

Isn't there any way to reduce its max speed?
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