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Author Topic: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign  (Read 6170 times)

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WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« on: August 28, 2019, 10:35:06 AM »

* has been released *

Who of you people played Crimson Skies when it came out in 2000?

I did and I liked it very much: Cheesy pulp fiction stories with fancy airplanes and Zeppelins, dashing adventures in the clouds... what's not to like?

With the recent BAT 3.7.1 finally unleashed, I revived an old pet project of mine, something I had satarted to doodle around with in the old DBW days but abandoned and now I'll finally finish it. I've been posting a few pictures in the Screenshot thrashed already but I thought this deserves a WIP thread.

It's the summer of 1937 and you are going to take over the role of Nathan Zachary, skipper of the Fortune Hunters and their Carrier Zeppelin 'Pandora'.....

It's going to be a different kind of campaign.
I'll recreate the original Crimson Skies storyline (well, most of it at least) with material available in BAT WAW. The end of the campaign will be a bit different which is because of the maps available and an idea I had myself. The campaign will be 22 missions and I am trying my hands at movie interludes at the moment.

I've had to use stand-ins to represent places like Hollywood or Boeing Field... But I think it's rather convincing?

Colossal Pictures Studios  (yes, you will have to do an obstacle race in there....)

Boeing Field

The pirate town of Sky Haven has moved to the Grand Canyon map but what's not to like about a big Zeppelin battle over the Canyon?

For some things you just need to use a little bit of imagination.
We can't technically dock with the Zeppelin, so the mission will start as air start and the Mission Complete target will be something else. There will be a great many missions that are revolving around mission targets you have to fulfil as part of the narrative. I believe this campaign will be most enjoyable to be played the No Instant Success set to On (something I usually never do...)

We have so many exotic 46-ish aircraft in BAT that can be perfectly used as fantasy flyers.
Here's my lineup as I'm using it in the campaign:

Pusher Dragonfly as Hughes P21 Devastator  *
Puller Dragonfly as Curtiss-Wright J2 Fury  *
J7W1/3 as Hughes Bloodhawk / Blue Streak  *
Beaufighter as Bristol Balmoral *
J4N as Hughes Lockheed Firebrand
F2G Super Corsair as Fairchild F611 Brigand
P-38J as McDonnell S2B Kestrell
BV-237 as William and Colt 370 Peacemaker
Bf-109Z  as Grumman E-1 Avenger
Do-335 ad Curtiss-Wright P2 Warhawk
Autogyro as himself *

* Player a/c
All the Zeppelins, aircraft and factions will receive specific skins.

If you don't know what the world of Crimson Skies is about, or if you need a refresher, here's a brief description:



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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2019, 11:55:20 AM »

very cool i still have the game for Xbox somewhere, i was pretty bummed out when they just kinda faded out the game had so much potential for a squeal and a big blockbuster movie, i guess there just wasnt enough interest at the time


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2019, 12:08:51 PM »

there actually were two games.  The second was called high road to revenge and was an xbox exclusive iirc. Never played that as I have none.


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2019, 12:55:26 PM »

Vampire, I had a really good laugh when I read about your Odyssey campaign and very much enjoyed playing it. Now your back again with Crimson Skies B.A.T.? I salute your imagination and creativity!


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2019, 07:56:50 AM »

Really looking forward to try this. Good choice mate!


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2019, 09:48:39 AM »

Wonderful! I loved Crimson skies! now I'm waiting for somebody to make a Middle-Earth map, and have Gondor and Mordor air forces.


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2019, 11:39:15 AM »

Thanks for your efforts on this, it is truly great news and can't wait for your campaign to be availiable.

Below are some links, just extra info for any extra ideas you might have since Crimson skies is also a board game and role playing game.



again, thanks for your hard work.


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2019, 12:49:00 PM »

Still playing Crimson Skies from time to time,,,having it for BAT would be bliss
Semper Fi


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2019, 01:58:20 AM »

I am SO excited about this! Loved Crimson Skies, love BAT, love the storytelling... thank you so much for your work on this project. :) :) :)


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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2019, 09:52:18 AM »

great to see some interest :)

Below are some links, just extra info for any extra ideas you might have since Crimson skies is also a board game and role playing game.
With all the mission templates and skins I actually might do something more with other factions... we'll see.

Here's soundtrack playlist:



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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2019, 02:13:32 PM »

One never forgets the C/S soundtrak :D

Hurry up, the Scots are being raided..

The Daily Telegraph London England.   July 1937.                                   



On July 9th, Edinburgh citizens awoke to the sound of rocketfire and machine guns.    It was then, that a reported four Erikson Confederation zeppelins and accompanying fighters attacked the peaceful town of Edinburgh, Scotland.

At roughly seven AM, Viking fighters attacked the RAF patrol flight, and then proceeded to demolish RAF Musselbergh, which houses RAF Squadrons NO. 44, and NO. 56  catching all but a handful of fighters on the ground.  The fighters that did launch were quickly shot down by the Norwegian fighters.

After the naval cannons protecting the city were destroyed, the four Viking zeppelins dropped to cover just above the town and began providing covering fire for the landing raiders and helping silence ground-based AA fire with pinpoint attacks from their heavy cannons.

Two zeppelins remained at altitude and recovered fighters (Editors Note: Due to the relatively lengthy cover provided by the Raider aircraft, we can assume they were re-fueling and re-arming), while the remaining two and a handful of fighters remained as covering elements.

It was then that the zeppelins took up positions above the city and began blossoming autogyros and landing lines.      The vikings landed roughly 400 ground personal and began looting the city. While the fighters provided cover with machine gun fire and rockets, the raiders systematically looted several targets within the city, the autogyros and lines hauling the loot up to the zeppelin, while the ground soldiers kept the military and Edinburgh police forces well away from the operations.



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Re: WIP - Crimson Skies campaign
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2019, 05:00:06 PM »

Hello there !

That's a great surprise to see that ! I must say that's just the mod I was expecting the most for IL2 since many years. Actually ! We the "FAFLV Virtual Squadron" we already started a Crimson Skies campaign, a kinda of sequel (because the zeppelins were not available at that time) with new factions (the main one got his logo inspired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers xD) and stuffs. Pretty fun.

Your campaign is a hell of good new. Nevertheless, I was wondering about one thing... would you be able to change the zeppelin "health point" ? Would be to bad to shot down a zeppelin with 2 cannons shot. In Crimson Skies, you had to use rockets (in specific parts of course). I think there is a way to modify that. I used to hear that the fact that A6M "Zero" is burning in IL2 (as in real life) is due to internal files for damaged models. Perhaps you could try to find it and have a look on it :)

Carry on ! Yo ho, yo ho an air pirate's life for me !
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