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Author Topic: Foker DR1 Take off  (Read 1325 times)

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Foker DR1 Take off
« on: September 08, 2019, 04:48:16 AM »

Hi all,
 I have noticed a small problem concerning the Take off proceedure for the Foker Dr1,
When my FMB  mission loads, the DR1  appears with wheel chocks in place, I can only remove them using the chocks away command
(Not sure why NO Mods have been added or PAL Chocks or Pals VisualMOD9- v4122 has been added vir JSGME)
Then I can start the engine. When it starts up the DR1 charges away on what appears to be full power .
I have tried to reduced the engine power by pressing 1 and also tried using my joystick but this has no effect untill airborn!
I have also tried to use the A button to see if the auto will contol it from a standing still position to check out the mission , but the wheel chocks stay in place ,and the DR1 does nothing
(will not Start)
Not sure if this is a problem or its my game program problem
If someone could check this DR1  and let me know the outcome
I would be greatfull
Cheers edc1
Ps tried a search  for problem without success


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2019, 08:16:12 AM »

the DR1 (and the Fokker E and a few other rotary engine planes) do not have a throttle. You need to manage the engine by adding or remove magneto 1, 2 or 1+2. You cannot restart in the air if you accidentally turn off by switching all magnetos off....

It's completely different (some say more realistic) and it is the way these mods were built. It is not an error.


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2019, 09:48:43 AM »

Hello All, These WW1 planes with a rotary engine had a blip switch which kept the engine from running away with you.


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2019, 10:14:11 AM »

Thanks SAS~vampire_pilot and Zeropilot,
Your information is Just what I needed to read,
 Not a problem with my game, just my lack of knowledge with some WW1 aircraft
Many thanks for your quick reply
Cheers edc1


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2019, 04:07:56 AM »

 Actually, I'd like to challenge this bit of misinformation:  The Oberusel UR.II which was used in the Fokker DR.I was based on the LeRhone 9J which had a rudimentary throttle down to about 45% power.


  Rumor has it that the German maker of this engine had improved the carburetor enough that it had a nice, slow tickover.

  The Oberusel U0, UI, UII used in earlier prewar Fokkers and early war Fokkers were licensed copies of the early Gnomes and did not have throttles, or at least early on in the war, Oberusel hadn't yet perfected the primitive carburation enough to throttle them.

I believe you can preset up your game to have full throttle control on this engine.


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2019, 05:28:08 AM »

Hi Unca-Fester,
I would be very interested on how to preset my game to get full throttle contol.
Can you advise me on what I need to do?
By the way when this aircraft loads up in your game, does it do so with wheel chocks in place?
Cheers edc1


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2019, 07:17:27 AM »

I would like to know how to get throttle control on these engines also.

The magneto trick is not a good simulation of the blip switch for these motors.  They do not go up to full power and back basically instantly, as a real rotary does.  And of course there is no way to cut power completely and then come back on, as noted.

It would be more realistic to have graduated throttle control and just pretend to be blipping.



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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2019, 04:47:08 PM »

Landing the rotaries with Blip-switch was one of the most interesting and frustrating and rewarding parts of Rise-Of-Flight!
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: Foker DR1 Take off
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2019, 10:31:13 PM »

I believe you can preset up your game to have full throttle control on this engine.

as this engine behaviour is coded into the java, I do not think such method exists, unless someone has a modded class for this aircraft.
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