Hi All- I'm new around here- coming back to IL2 after a long hiatus- As such I would like to lead off with a big thanks to the community- particularly you here at SAS for all the marvelous work being done and for an enjoyable board.
Now my troubles...
I'm getting up to speed with the new aicraft and effects, mostly. I've been doing well building a manually installed bevy of mods, feeling pretty proficient with the process of adding things and tweaking the components involved to make my game run everything I want it to. I've been avoiding the big mod packs so that I can learn. I use the latest SAS Mod Activator (2.2) as my foundation. I'm running a desktop rig with Windows XP that doesn't hiccup at most things Il2 throws at it. I'm patched up to 4.09... Everything I've been trying out that's available from here has been happy and functional.
There just seems to be something about the PBJ-1G that my game just doesn't like. Even when it's the only mod in the mods folder (and in the air file, of course) I consistently get the "The instruction at... referenced memory at... The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate..." Application error popup window at a point well into the 20% region of the load process. My log file ends at
Spawn.get( com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBJ ): com.maddox.il2.
when everything is presumably fritzing out. All the other PBJ's are great and function perfectly. Without the 1G activated all my other mods are hunky dory as well.
Curious to know if anyone else here has had this problem or if there's something I'm missing here. Thanks for the attention.