Patches, Hints & Tricks:
Ultrapack 3.3 Bigfoot Patch 9:This is the ninth patch for Ultrapack 3.3 Bigfoot.
For your information: Patches are cumulative and have to be installed on top and activated
after the main update "Ultrapack 3.3 Bigfoot".
This means whenever there's a new Patch, you can either install it on top of the old one, or just skip any old Patch and go straight from "Ultrapack 3.3 Bigfoot" to the last Patch.
Understood? Fine.
Here's Patch 9, it comes in two parts due to it's size:
Download Link (Mediafire):
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 1
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 2Mirror (OneDrive):
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 1
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 2Mirror (Mega):
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 1
Ultrapack 3.3 "Bigfoot" Patch 9 Part 2Installation:Download both parts and run (double-click to start) the 1st part only. No need to do anything to Part 2, it will be applied automatically by the installer which is inside Part 1.
Install on top of a running Ultrapack 3.3 Bigfoot game.
The installer will attempt to activate the Patch automatically after installation.
Installation Notes:
ATTENTION:Experience taught us that the variety of custom added mods to existing Ultrapack installations exceeds any imagination.
For that reason, beginning with Patch 3 the installer will attempt to create a
Backup of your "#UP#" and "SFS_UP" folders and proceed with a clean fresh and empty set of folders.
all JSGME options will be disabled during installation.
This means that after installing the latest Patch, you will find clean, plain Ultrapack 3.3 + Patch "x" folders and can activate any JSGME option on top again if you like.
Your old mods and archives will still reside in the Backup folder, named "#UP#_Backup_UP3.3_Patch_<x>" and "SFS_UP_Backup_UP3.3_Patch_<x>" (where <x> is the Patch number that has been installed).
If these Backup folders already exist (e.g. you install the same Patch multiple times), they will
not get touched, in this case the installer will simply remove the existing "#UP#" and "SFS_UP" folders instead.
Ideally, this will keep your Pre-Patched mods in a safe place, regardless how often you install the latest Patch, and give you the ability to manually copy them over to your new "#UP#" and "SFS_UP" folders later, if needed.
This is what gets fixed and/or added with Patch 9 (including Patch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 fixes, which are integrated in Patch 9):
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 9
* (R)B-36B/D/F/H (early and late versions, each where applicable) added
* Ju 288A-2 added
* He 100 & 112 (B-0, B-1, B-2) added
* Ta 154 A-0 added
* Ki-87 (I+II), 94 & 116 added
* New Hotkeys ("Auxiliary Function 1-4" and "Miscellaneous Function 1-10") added.
B-36 makes use of these: - Misc. 5 is used to select all Prop Engines at once
- Misc. 6 is used to select all Jet Engines at once
- Misc. 7 is used to toggle reverse Props on selected Engines
* Joytick Zoom Axis setting added to HOTAS controls
* New Formation Parameters added to Flight Models
* IL-2 Selector updated to version 4.0.2
* SAS Common Utils updated
* Wing Stores will keep showing attached weapons when wings are being folded/unfolded
* Dewoitine D.520 gravity center issue fixed
* Dewoitine D.520 speed profile adjusted
* Fokker D.XXI acceleration and speed profile adjusted
* Bf 109 Family speed profile adjusted
* F7F-3N Spawn Bug fixed
* Missing 109 fixed
* Sticky ingame menu on mission rotation fixed
* Open Canopy Bug on Ki-45 fixed
* Ki-45 37mm gun bug fixed
* PBY unable to drop 2nd Tropedo: Fixed
* Several Artillery explosion effects missing: Fixed
* Heavy Planes bouncing on the ground issue fixed, new Shock Absorber code implemented
* Several other small code issues have been fixed, too many to be mentioned here
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 8
* Beaufighter: dead gunner fix, new 3d for engines
* BF109Z: new 3d based on F4 airframes
* Blenheim: new 3d for engines and props
* Bridges: by WxTech, new 3d, fixed collision boxes
* ChevroletFlatbed, 3d fix
* Cr-32: update, fixed java, updated 3d (working radiator flaps) and FM (engine sound changed, radial to inline)
* F1M2A Pete: new 3d model (credits for all those who worked on it), shadows, collisions, caps, fixed java for cockpit and new FM.
* F2A-2/B-239/B-339: java/ updated FM, canopy open, fix for canopy 3d and gear (texture mapping)
* F7F-3 Tigercat: java fix for missing netspawn code, textures resize for external 3d model
* Hs-123: EMD file, add user operated mixture adjust
* Hs-126: fix for ailerons 3d (mapping issues), textures resize
* Hurricanes: FM/open canopy for all hurris
* IAR-80/81 FM update, wings area, arms, default rudder tim
* I-15/15bis/153: fix for 3d (lods), new reticle texture (bigger size, less pixelated), new 3d for wheels
* Ju-88G-6: fixed java for cockpits issues
* Ki-45: add missing effect files for gun
* Ki-100 new 3d for engine and prop
* L-5: new default skin for multi and US (no more RAF camo scheme with noseart and serial number for all)
* Me-321/323: new default skin and gear 3d (323)
* PZL P-24s,FM update, spin values, default rudder trim adjusted
* P-26 new default skin
* P-40B/C 3d fix for instrument panel
* P-51B10 new default skin for US (missing markings)
* Yak-9P and Yak-9U: Missing hitboxes added
* Missing white smoke and 37mm gun smoke effects added
* SB-2 family cockpits fixed
* F2A-3 new aircraft, based on A-2, extended nose, new FM
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 7
* Flight Model return value for Roll Accelleration fixed (online multiplayer plane bug related fix)
* Black Screen Bug fixed for multiplayer planes online
* Surplus debug log code removed from InterpolateAdapter class
* P-47 Bubble Top Tail Sway toned down
* N1K1 prop rotation direction fixed
* Me-264 "America Bomber" added
* Do-24 backflip on runway spawn fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* R-5 missing damage materials fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* He-51 tilted 3D model fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* He-51 gunsight, cockpit and pilot head position fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* U-2 missiong damage materials fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* U-2 surplus pilot head mesh fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* U-2VS default loadout bug fixed (thanks to Ghost129er for reporting this issue)
* Sikorsky H-19 and HRS-3 main rotor sound and 3D model location fixed by Loku
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 6
* Nakajima G10N1 Fugaku Flight Model fixed
* Countermeasure applied agains log flooding for various irrelevant reasons (DirectX warnings and the like)
* New Flight Model Parameters for max. speed with extracted gears (rip-off speed) and flaps (jam speed) added
* Flap jam speed defaults to max. flaps speed from existing flight model parameters now if max. flaps speed is higher than 300 km/h
* Formation spacing fine tuned
* AI controls input clipped (ported from EngineMod 2.8.17w)
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 5
* Nakajima G10N1 Fugaku incl. static plane added
* Polikarpov P-5 incl. static plane added
* Polikarpov S.S.S. incl. static plane added
* Tupolev SB 2M-103 Series 96 incl. static plane added
* Tupolev SB 2M-103A Series 221 incl. static plane added
* Bloch MB.152 static plane added
* Ki-15 I/II static planes added
* Polikarpov R-5 / R-5 (skis) updated to 4.14.1 standards
* Tupolev SB 2M-100A Series 41 / SB 2M-103 Series 201 updated to 4.14.1 standards
* Polikarpov U-2 series updated to 4.14.1 standards
* Petlyakov Pe-8 / Tupolev TB-7 updated to 4.14.1 standards
* Martin B-10B, B-10B on floats, WH-1, WH-2 and WH-3 added including static planes
* P-47 missing frag bomb textures added
* Net Aircraft are being removed if the last net update is more than 10 seconds past the last flight model update.
This is supposed to fight the so called "Ghost Plane" issue.
The feature can be disabled by setting "destroyGhostPlanes=0" in conf.ini [Mods] section.
* Missing Royal Navy "f" type decals added for Swordfish, Fulmar etc.
* New Ingame Menu implemented, needs user key assignment for "Toggle Game Menu" in the "VIEWS" section:
"Smooth view", "Inertia View" and "actor selection from menu" backported from PAL VisualMOD 9
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 4
* Localized reworked by Mick, sniperton, Loku, Dimlee, Pivoyvo
* New Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" 4.12.2 model, extracted by SAS~Epervier, brought to UP3 by SAS~Loku
* Bloch MB.152 by Ranwers added
* Ki-15 I/II "Babs" by Giotto added
* Tu-2 Flight Model, 3D and Java fixes by SAS~Loku
* Missing Cockpit Textures on Fw 190 A-1 added
* Missing Gear Texture for Fairey Battle in conjunction with Jeronimo's wheels mod added
* New SAS Common Utils 1.12 implemented
* Log shows PC's local time now
* Several netcode issues fixed
* Zuti User disconnection error fixed
* Symbolic Link awareness implemented (e.g. for sharing Plane Skins among different models)
* Online Skin size limiter (only indexed 8bpp max. "SD" (max. 1024x1024 pixel) skins can be used online) reworked
* Opening Canopies added for P-47 Pack
* Planes spawning on the ground do so with open canopy (if opening canopy is available)
* Planes spawning on an aircraft carrier do so with folded wings (if wingfold is available)
* Rocket boost net replication reworked from scratch
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 3
* New Tiger Moth 3D by Ranwers, brought to UP3 by SAS~Loku
* Blenheim prop size corrected and finnish default skins added (SAS~Loku)
* Hawk-75 French/British default skins added, engine and props corrected (SAS~Loku)
* MS.406/410 french and "multi" default skins added (SAS~Loku)
* Finflash added to P-51A RAF default skin (SAS~Loku)
* updated 3D IAR-80/81 (source unknown, UP3 import SAS~Loku)
* desert skin for HS-129B-2 (SAS~Loku)
* New SAS Common Utils 1.12 included
* P-47 log flooding fixed
* P-47DT game lockup when prop breaks fixed
* "Override default Rearm/Refuel/Repair settings" on homebases now also respects homebase specific "... only if airport has ..." settings
* Fairey Barracuda Flight model tuned once more, now taking off from carriers is possible without having to use catapults
* Gladiator 1 and 2 missing canopy added to cockpit view
* Cheater Protection enhancements
* Do-17 engine startup log flooding / missing effects fixed
* air.ini sort order reworked (SAS~Loku)
* Some typos fixed in german aircraft names (Pivoyvo)
* Hungarian translation of aircraft names (sniperton)
* Russian/Polish/Czech/French preliminary translation of aircraft names (Google Translator)
* Russian language files added from Stock game. If you set "locale=ru" in the [rts] section of conf.ini, your game should speak russian to you in most places
* When playing online, player can select standard aircraft skins (512x512 and 1024x1024 pixel, 256 colors indexed) only. True color and/or HD skins will not be listed
* Server will reject any non-standard aircraft skins and send chat message to users trying to select one
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 2
* Fixed Super Corsair (F2G) Prop visual glitch when standing still / rotating slowly
* Gladiator J8A moved from japanese plane list to "others" - Finland
* Lysander game crash/lockup fixed
* Cal .50 sounds restored
* Missing maps entries in all.ini added
* P-39 Fuel Pressure warning light fixed, blue light activated when gears are down
* Hs 123 tail wheel steering direction fixed
* Map should not draw dead ground targets anymore
* Plane properties files in languages other than english adjusted according to UP3.3 naming standards
* About 1.500 Java Code issues, most of them in Stock game code, of various severity... all fixed
* Cheater Protection enhancements
* Fairey Barracuda Flight Model reworked
* Henschel Hs-123 Flight Model reworked
* Fiat CR.32 Flight Model reworked
* Fiat CR.42 Flight Model reworked
* New function added to substitute inexistent loadout options from old missions with closest matching existent one
* Stock game code glitch fixed which keeps AI from recognizing certain attacking planes (*wink* TD, you still have that glitch in 4.14.1)
* Ju 188 3D updates applied
Ultrapack 3.3 Patch 1
* Updated Fairey Battle 3D model (Plane + Cockpit) and Java by SAS~Loku
* Typos fixed in (YP-80 and G3M), U.S. codenames for japanese planes added
* Loadout names of F4U-4/4B/5/5N and AU-1 shortened (they exceeded the server's 255 character limit)
* Potez Engine Models fixed (caused game crashes before)
* CR.42 moved from "others" to "italian" in air.ini
* MS.406/410 moved from "others" to "french" in air.ini
In case your game doesn't work at all or it doesn't work as it should after installing Ultrapack 3.3:Folks, there's tons of mods floating around and many of you have customized their Ultrapack installation before.
It's inevitable that such customized installs can cause all kind of issues when being updated to an extent like we do with these new Ultrapack Versions.
The way to proceed in such case is this:
- Run JSGME and disable all mods.
- Rename the folder "#UP#" to e.g. "#UP#_Backup".
- Rename the folder "SFS_UP" to e.g. "SFS_UP_Backup".
- Create a new, empty "#UP#" folder.
- Create a new, empty "SFS_UP" folder.
- Run JSGME and enable the latest Patch. Only the latest patch!. Nothing else. Just Ultrapack 3.3 latest Patch.
Run the game again and you'll see: It works.
For the less tech savvy, please find a windows command batch file attached to this post which will do all the above mentioned steps automatically for you.
Just download the file, put it into your Ultrapack folder (that's where il2fb.exe is) and run the file "up3.3_factory_reset.cmd" with a double-click.Now that the game is back running, you can compare the new (clean) SFS_UP and "#UP#" folder with the backup ones (SFS_UP_Backup and #UP#_Backup).
The new ones contain only Ultrapack 3.3 content and the old ones contain only unrelated, custom stuff.
So you can pick your custom mods one by one and see yourself which one works and which one breaks your game.
![Cheers ]cheers[](