---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For bat Topic
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62800.msg691954.html#msg691954#32 post, made for bat variant, special thanks to Vampire_pilot: ...works very fine in my 412.2 SAS5.3, heavily modded.
Which F7F mod?
For the
F7F-3 pit, see screenshot in
reply#34, I do use F7F-3_v1.1 (outside of bat) : use first two links within the link proposed above.
..1975 Monty Python's castle guard: " I told them we already got one.. LoL ..fetchez la vache. What? Fetchez la vache!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beartrap Topic
Project Beartrap for 412, is bit more complicate and recent: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61769.0.html <clickableAs opposed to post #34 pic ( = F7F-3/FR-1 pit is shown), a Beartrap's mod pit looks rather like this:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Lone Wolf mod Topic
Earlier mod by Lone Wolf used a
Meteor pit as per
post #24 at the top.
This pit had issues, ..probably resulted in conflicts, hence a 'pit fix' was made...
Past issue: in 'my rig' the autopilot sunk the rear of that aircraft in the runway, then fireballed the plane true to the name !
That issue was resolved with #32.
..here are archives links for the original mod.
Post #1 links are currently dead [ however, do use
#32 version ]:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/78968qko1k6jtdl/Ryan__Cockpit_Fix.rar/fileRestored links for archive purposes.