Hello guys, here we go again with yet another update, a little more coming together.

Moving above the Alternator/generator is what I think is a pump, certainly appears something hydraulic
due to the various fixings and pipes that emanate from the rather solid looking cast assembly, as usual
I have probably got it completely wrong, however, I am sure the usual suspects will pass by and correct
me if I have.

It seems to be a cast cylinder with detaching end pieces so I make a start:

The cylindrical body and some kind of cast on band:

The previous part left over from the bracket assembly will need further adjusting before I finally feel
it fits, I kept messing with this part through the build as it never quite looks right:

Again, bolts are borrowed from previous areas and cloned and their mapping added to the template
while other new stuff is made:

One other issue all along has been getting the size of the various parts correct and the new part made me
look at what was already there and increase in size and alter positions of those items to finally have
things now look okay when compared to each other and the photographs, this entailed alterations to at
least eight different parts and replacement of them in the existing model but I had been putting it off for
far too long and so took the plunge, still not quite there but I will leave it be now:

With that out the way I could then steadily carry on with adding various components:

Most of the bits were about done here, however, again I was not quite happy with the cylinder and band
as they looked a little chunky so would warrant replacement:

The improved look, I hope:

All mapped and painted, the shaft is now separate, it took the object over the limit:

And finally into the engine compartment:

The engine bulkhead to the cab should actually be smaller and higher as the various cables actually go under it and back into
the cab and the chassis, however, I have left it as is with the cables and pipes ending where you see them as trying to replicate
everything under the cab and going back along the chassis would just be too much to undertake, right now I just want to make
what is in the engine bay to finish off the overall model otherwise it will go on forever, I have to stop somewhere.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.