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Author Topic: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.  (Read 59062 times)

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Flying H

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #240 on: February 04, 2021, 02:09:34 PM »

That´s great, to me it really looks as a gear or chain driven waterpump and genarator/alternator!
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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #241 on: February 04, 2021, 08:14:17 PM »

  I can't wait for the engine damage modeling.  Imagine strafing it with a FW-190 and seeing spark plugs, distributor cap and radiator fan go flying.  Steam from the punctured radiator rising as oil puddles on the ground.


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #242 on: February 05, 2021, 01:15:13 AM »

That´s great, to me it really looks as a gear or chain driven waterpump and genarator/alternator!

Hello Flying H, good to know you feel it looks the part. 8)

As mentioned earlier, without actual drawings and dimensions and going by eye it will not be exact, however, once it is surrounded by
the other parts hopefully the combination of items will help everything blend in. ;)

The game did not like me naming the part "AlternatorGeneratorAndConnections", said it was too long, so for now I omitted Alternator, I
will take another look at things when I next fire it up but it might be you guys need to do some renaming once you have things on
your hard drive just to suit your own tastes. :D

  I can't wait for the engine damage modeling.  Imagine strafing it with a FW-190 and seeing spark plugs, distributor cap and radiator fan go flying.  Steam from the punctured radiator rising as oil puddles on the ground.

WHAT. :o

I doubt I have the ability to replicate that little lot for you jpten, maybe a few parts lying around the floor and some burnt paint will have to suffice. ;)

The intention was to only do a new upload when the engine was done, however, I might take a look at preparing one containing what has been shown
so far this weekend, the changes have so far only been added to the R.A.F home version so I would need to update the desert and winter ones accordingly
to include those new details for you all to view at home.

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

Flying H

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #243 on: February 05, 2021, 02:03:59 PM »

Master, you can call it Alt/Gen maybe?
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #244 on: February 05, 2021, 02:18:47 PM »

Master, you can call it Alt/Gen maybe?

Hello Flying H, it is now named AlternatorGenerator, when I got the error the other night I was not sure if the issue was that the alphabetical positioning was upsetting things or as it said the length of the title, anyway it is above the Body mesh in the folders and no problem.  8)

There is now a updated link in the first page. ;)

Please remove the previous folder as there have been extensive changes.

Updated WIP 5th February 2021.

The model now includes various parts added to the engine area since the last update.

The engine top cover has ben portrayed now in a version detached and leaning against the front of the vehicle in the same way as the sides on some.

The moving and static desert vehicles now have the side engine covers removed as this is how many
photographs I have seen show things.

Template for the chassis updated with colouring for engine parts.

The moving vehicle dead model is purely a placeholder so is not damaged or painted as such.

The static objects do not yet have dead versions.

Note:  The parts for the articulated version of the vehicle shown in the thread are still in gmax for development so are not part of this upload.


Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #245 on: February 06, 2021, 02:06:55 PM »

Great stuff, many thanks for the updated models.

As others, superb detail, the engine looks fantastic with all the detailing you've done.  Be great to have a realistic sound set, I'll have a look around if you haven't anything already?

Servicing crew dirorama looks good too.




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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #246 on: February 07, 2021, 04:20:13 AM »

Hello Shessi, glad you like the update, enjoy. 8)

I deliberately left some parts separate to enable users to create dioramas, it gives the model a little more character within the overall scene and provides a little eye candy during taxiing, eventually I will make a few slings and chains set ready to portray various lifting operations. ;)

The intention is to eventually do something similar to what myself and Andrew did for the Yagg update, here I made various ladders and details for the fire engine to help build the scene:

There is a separate download for the above in this thread, part way down the first page:


Besides the Queen Mary I will also do the articulated Thorneycroft tractor unit and trailer so the whole package should eventually make for some interesting scene possibilities if I live that long, even the engine parts could be put onto benches to further enhance the scenes maybe as they are separate. :D

There is also the scope for any new modellers to add the smaller bits such as chains and slings if they wanted to as a starter project as well as tools and such for the vehicle. :)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #247 on: February 12, 2021, 12:28:01 PM »

Hello guys, following the upload I thought I better press on otherwise I might get distracted and start tinkering with something else. ;)

First of all though, please check the folders for 'ThorneycroftColesDesert' and ThorneycroftColesWinter in the buildings folder I missed off
the alternator/generator and wiring box from them, you have all the parts so just add them from another folder and add the necessary text
entries and you should be good to go, I hope.
  Corrected with a update on the 13th February.

Sorry about that. :-[

Anyway, where we, oh yes onward we go, the bracket that holds the alternator/generator in position came next, I made
some rough shapes with the line tool first up:

Besides that I needed a pad from the engine, and the internal plates that make up the bracket:

The original shape for the bracket had extra pieces made for each side of it to make the rounded profile
and also a blanking piece for either side of the shaped section:

The various parts are attached and then the vertices welded:

The other side, once made this will be mapped and cloned for the opposite end:

Selecting the polygons from the centre and using the scale tool to push them out to make the shaped profile:

The band that holds the alternator/generator goes over the edge of this bracket and I think through
a gap at the back to hold things in position, not easy to make out from the photographs but I made
separate back and upper plates to replicate how I thought it was threaded through:

Here they are complete and some nuts and bolts added:

Mapping begins:

Alignment of the various mapped faces:


The strap had to be altered slightly on the alternator/generator so was extracted again to add into the
Thorneycroft folder now so I did not forget later it had been altered, this is where I noticed the problems
mentioned at the beginning of this post. :(

I am starting to think I make things unduly difficult for myself and over complicate things, oh well. :P

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #248 on: February 13, 2021, 05:35:50 AM »

Hello again guys, I have updated another version today to put right the issues with what was posted on the 5th, it also
adds the new bracket in the above post. ;)

Apologies for the inconvenience, please remove the previous folder and replace with today's latest update.  :-[

The new bracket for the alternator/generator:

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #249 on: February 18, 2021, 12:41:58 PM »

Hello again guys, more brackets this time. :o

The one used to hold the alternator/generator had too many polygons to become part of that item so I left it on its own,
because close by are two more that I thought would be better built later and collected together to make the one object. ;)

As is usual I utilise what is already made to some extent and make new parts to add where necessary, no different here:

Made in the usual way with the line tool and adding separate sides:

Again, any re-mapping is done when necessary but more usually just moved to free areas of the template
and the new bit mapped and some bolts borrowed from elsewhere:

Complete, the part at the top is the start of the what will sit on the bracket later, I was originally thinking
of building the bracket and what is fixed on to it so made a start but later thought better of that to do what
I have now putting all the brackets together:

While painting I usually try to indicate where the parts have holes in them to allow air, water or whatever
to flow, here was no exception, looking from behind and below:

The last of the trio is a bit longer and required some new ends and a top along with certain other parts
from earlier builds again helping work along:

The lines used came out the same colour as the existing parts so here you can see them altered to
show the new parts and the borrowed ones:

The ends and top welded together ready to map and place on the template, the back piece was new also
but the part in Pale Blue would just need the already mapped parts moved to another area of the template:

There is a slope on the engine block that needed to be adjusted once all these brackets were offered up
to the engine as each has what looks to be a casting behind that they bolt to, however, I cannot make out
just exactly how they look but have tried to replicate what I see as best I can and aligned as per the photographs:

Following the adjustments to the engine block, that and the new three item brackets would be added to the game
to replace the original bracket already added with the alternator/generator, this is why I continually ask you guys
to replace the complete folder when I upload as I continually adjust things:

Getting there, this side of the engine block is now filling up nicely. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #250 on: March 11, 2021, 02:55:17 PM »

Hello guys, here we go again with yet another update, a little more coming together. ;)

Moving above the Alternator/generator is what I think is a pump, certainly appears something hydraulic
due to the various fixings and pipes that emanate from the rather solid looking cast assembly, as usual
I have probably got it completely wrong, however, I am sure the usual suspects will pass by and correct
me if I have. :D

It seems to be a cast cylinder with detaching end pieces so I make a start:

The cylindrical body and some kind of cast on band:

The previous part left over from the bracket assembly will need further adjusting before I finally feel
it fits, I kept messing with this part through the build as it never quite looks right:

Again, bolts are borrowed from previous areas and cloned and their mapping added to the template
while other new stuff is made:

One other issue all along has been getting the size of the various parts correct and the new part made me
look at what was already there and increase in size and alter positions of those items to finally have
things now look okay when compared to each other and the photographs, this entailed alterations to at
least eight different parts and replacement of them in the existing model but I had been putting it off for
far too long and so took the plunge, still not quite there but I will leave it be now:

With that out the way I could then steadily carry on with adding various components:

Most of the bits were about done here, however, again I was not quite happy with the cylinder and band
as they looked a little chunky so would warrant replacement:

The improved look, I hope:

All mapped and painted, the shaft is now separate, it took the object over the limit:

And finally into the engine compartment:

The engine bulkhead to the cab should actually be smaller and higher as the various cables actually go under it and back into
the cab and the chassis, however, I have left it as is with the cables and pipes ending where you see them as trying to replicate
everything under the cab and going back along the chassis would just be too much to undertake, right now I just want to make
what is in the engine bay to finish off the overall model otherwise it will go on forever, I have to stop somewhere. :o

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


Flying H

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #251 on: March 12, 2021, 04:49:05 PM »

Looking great and I think you´re right that looks like a hydraulic pump.
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