Glad you like it so far Flying H.
I made a start on the shaft linking all this together, it is difficult to tell exactly how it all assembles
so you will have to allow me some artistic licence here:
I fired up today and realised I had missed a pipe behind the pump, that will need to be attached to
something else now as I ran out of polygons:
Not sure what to do with the part highlighted in Red, it is all hidden behind the flexible pipe, I keep starring
at it and the more I look the more I think maybe I should use those parts from the other side mirrored.
It would make sense, it might not be exactly the same but it ties everything together logically I feel.
Anyway, next up will be that contraption next door:
It has a funny colour to it, almost like natural metal but stained somehow or burnt, the colouring reminds
me of gear case parts we used to ship out to our train customers when I was in that industry, they were
sent as kits and coated in something called tecktill, not sure how to spell that as it was a long time ago, the
stuff would later be cleaned off at the assembly stage and paint applied where necessary, here though just
not sure why it is coloured as is, another conundrum, one of many on this beast.
I assume with all the metal tubes coming out the top of it that this is the ignition system, is it me or is this
engine like none you ever saw before? I have been around machines all my life it seems, usually I can figure
out what is what when I look at them, here I need help from you guys to educate me.
Going to take in the football today and tomorrow, give my arms and fingers a complete rest for a few days.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.