Hello Shessi, glad you like the update, I hope it was worth the wait.
I have been experimenting with the dead model today, not sure yet just how it will work out, as
for the new wheels I think I would like to keep those rather than revert back but I'll have to see
what I can put together.
First of all I have taken some of the items from the damage model you now have and begun a drastic
parts reduction, here we see the chassis with most of the detail items gone just leaving a basic drive
shaft, this has reduced the poly count by half or so:
Here I have skewed the wheels at the front a little as well as the parts that work with them before I
eventually tried to replicate the front wheels deflated as though caught by a blast or bullets:
Where I am able to drastically reduce the poly count on a few items I have then joined together meshes
using the same texture to make a single mesh, this way the overall count will not exceed the existing meshes
you have in that dead model now, however, the hope is to then have a overall more detailed dead model if I keep
within the poly count of the model you now have that I already know works.
All nuts and bolts are gone and only the main shapes of the parts left, what I still do not know is if the problem
I had was too many polygons or too many meshes, maybe both so I need to find some sort of balance between
the fully detailed model and the dead.
First of all I need to look at what I would like it to include and then see what is possible by experimenting.
So here you see the engine block reduced then some of what are now separate castings similarly reduced and
then joined so I keep the overall look of the engine and still have that continuation through to the fan without a
big gap, the whole lot still comes in at the same poly level but looks better, more complete than what you have
On the other side the cab furniture has been decimated because a lot of it would have burned, that is added to
a equally reduced steering wheel, all the bolts and stuff have gone but the overall look is still there, you can also
see the other side of the engine block:
The Coles cab and its crane are also in work going through the same process, I do not really know what one
of these would look like following a air strike, or whatever destroyed it, so I am trying to do something that
hopefully looks plausible.
I have the cables as though they have been severed somehow and the crane fallen forward once the tension
of those cables is gone, the hook is on the ground, I removed one half as though it is sunken into the soil.
It might look okay when I'm done, maybe not, I have to try these things out. One of my other projects was the
YAG6_2 fire engine from the Aviaskins project, myself and Andrew (Greif11) to use a scale model description
super detailed the basic model, it got high res textures, all kinds of add-ons such as ladders, hoses, bell and was
completed with full Lods and damage model, if you haven't seen it there is a link in the first page of the thread
for the Aviaskins project, I think we did a rather good job on that one.
This project is first and foremost a build rather than IL-2 specific so I tinker with it in various ways just to see
how it goes and add it to the game secondly.
Stay tuned Shessi, I am not entirely sure if I am in control of myself or not, the pills and the build have unhinged me I think,
anything might happen.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.