Hello again guys, here are a few more images to bring the Thorneycroft to a end, just them Lods left and any extras.
So, with the dead model done next up would be the textures, here making a start:
I decided I would need a few bullet holes so went on line to see if there were any tutorials, thankfully yes:
so I had a go:
The first test I used images I thought too large so scaled them back, here we see the alpha holes added
for the centre of the hit:
Into the game for a quick test, it won't win any artistic awards but the damage model is coming together:
View from the rear:
And the burned out cab interior:
Final testing of each version, summer:
Another view to show all around:
Without a photograph of a vehicle that had been shot up it is difficult to try and imagine how best to do it, here
I have concentrated the main force of a blaze on the cab and engine using the ruptured fuel tanks as the cause
leading to secondary damage with bits of the engine spilling its own fluids into the mix, a few bullet holes adorn
other areas just for good measure, it works for me but then I am easily suited.
I used a few Photoshop filters on the front tyres to try and replicate the burned rubber, again you will have to allow
me a great deal of slack with my artistic license here.
So then, the main vehicle is done and dead model with it all that remains now are those dreaded Lods and a few detail
extras such as slings and a roof rack to fully finish the off the Thorneycroft and its Coles crane.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.