Hello again guys, not much to report but I thought you might like to see where I am at with it.
The Lods for the dead model are done and installed, I do not know of any specific way to test these
to show you they are actually working other than disable one at a time but that seems a lot of messing
really so here you can see each version does show in game, I only worry when nothing shows:
Before I did anything further with meshes I went through the same process as for the dead model making
the three different sized textures for each lod:
All the mat files were also assembled and then these were posted into all the other folders moving or static
because all would use them eventually and the existing meshes were renamed accordingly:
When I moved on to the meshes I started with the wheels because I already had the rear ones done from the
damage model, it was just a case of slightly altering their position as they were slightly angled for the damage
version, the poly reduction then moved to doing new lods for the front wheels, the chassis has no lods here but
they were added later, I needed it to hang everything on:
The remaining meshes I would do in the order I found then in the folder just going down through them
doing the next in turn as they had been sorted alphabetically in there as apposed to how I had originally
added them in the hier, new entries would be added to the new heir as I added each part before the poly
reduction was started.
Now for the main reason to post today besides just boring you all with the progress on this lovely sunny Sunday.
I usually start the poly reduction by removing things such as what represents washers and bolt threads as anything
round tends to have the highest poly count and can be a good way to reduce the first lod quickly if it contains such
items. This I did when doing the blanking plate, however, it seemed to reduce the poly count by a inordinate amount with
each deletion of the washers.
I checked that ignore backfacing was on, not that it always works as it should, and I was not deleting anything else. Selecting
one of the washers gave me the reason, to many vertices:
I decided to leave as is on this occasion as I was so far into the project but thought I would point out the
the issue and how it comes about. When we make anything round we are given a choice as to just how
smooth or otherwise the diameter is and also how many height segments we use, the height segments can
be a good way of altering the shape along the length of a bar, enlarging or reducing it, however, for things
like plain washers it just adds far too many polygons than are needed and in this instance I had forgot to
reduce the amount in the height segment box and once I cloned each washer it just increased this poly count
as I added one after the other along the blanking plates:
It is very easy to forget and there are other instances such as when using the line tool that we can be caught out,
I am sure I have mentioned it before but it does no harm to remind myself and you guys that it can be a real problem
if not dealt with at the right time. There is a simple enough way to change this if as in my case I forgot and essentially
involves taking one set of vertices and moving them close to the next before joining them together, then move along to the
next, you need to reset the welding distance, something I have shown before, eventually they can be reduced so you
just have the front and back vertices.
So, here is the model so far, it contains around seventy parts I have made and two separate driver meshes and as
I write this I have so far added lods to 30 of them so still a long way to go:
Most of the parts once done can then be used as is in the other folders, however, the Coles Crane folder contains
some meshes I altered especially to enable a raised position for the static models in some of the folders so that will
add a few more to the total.
Before I started the lod build I saved a folder of the original vehicle with all the parts in it for the moving Thorneycroft
and then made a new one just containing the textures, mat files and hier, once I finish a part, in this case the blanking
plate I then add the next in order into the folder to start the latest addition and delete the meshes I just finished using,
this keeps me moving onward in some kind of structured way so I do not forget anything:
Once that is done I open up gmax and find that next mesh in the order and clone it to form the LOD1, hiding
the original then saves you reducing the the wrong mesh, and go through the process all over again for each
lod, it is very tiresome, no wonder new models take so long to make:
With each addition I make a copy of the folder and save it to my external drive along with the necessary scenes
from gmax, bitter experience has shown how easy it is to lose hours of work so it is yet another routine I try to
stick to following every session no matter how long or short.
So far I have been trying to do a couple of meshes a day if and when my health condition allows so it is moving
along but with still 40 parts just for this vehicle to do it will not be quick.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.