- Credits: Idea and sources borrowed from HSFX therefore credits go to the HSFX Team.
- Compatibility: Mod created with 4.12.2 sources and tested in B.A.T.
What's new in v2.0- Gun tracers removed (unrealistic)
- Marching sound removed (pointless)
- Two different gun sounds for best battle feeling (in exchange of the Marching sound)
- Max firing range is 400m for all actors
- Java changes here and there for better compatibility with other infantry mods
For long time I wanted to create a battlefront feeling in FMB but I don't have the patience to add dozens and dozens of objects. The scope of this little project is precisely that: to allow the creation of large battle grounds in a couple of minutes and as easy as one-two-three:

Functionality and simplicity is what you get with this mod:
1) Standalone: in order to avoid dependencies and/or conflicts with other mods I created brand new java classfiles.
2) Allies vs Axis, that's all. HSFX comes with many armies but honestly, all look the same to me from the air. Friendly vs Hostile suffices for any scenario. Keep it simple.
3) Low-res models. No need for fancy 3D or detailed textures. You will (should) never get too close to notice anything anyway. Nevertheless, all objects come with Summer, Winter and Desert variants ready for any map.
4) Firing infantry only: all other (nice but useless) models from HSFX have been removed. The only extra object/actor I kept are the trenches that can serve to mark the boundaries of the battle arena.
These are the actors included in the mod:
- Moving infantry
- Static infantry
- Static trenches
The guys explode upon death. I don't know if this was intentional or I am missing something but: this is precisely what I wanted to achieve! Just place a few guys here and there and the battlefront comes to live: cross-fire, explosions, smoke, death...
Welcome to the Battlefront!
The mod will create a few warnings in your log, just ignore them:
Tank com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.tanks.Infantry$AxisInfantryStand: hook SmokeHead not found
Tank com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.tanks.Infantry$AxisInfantryStand: hook SmokeEngine not foundThe mod will also generate a few errors in your log when static units die. Something I don't understand (3D stuff) is wrong somewhere, but you should not worry about it either. The game will just carry on normally:
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: Gun not found
DownloadsMod already built into BAT, starting with v3.8 Pegasus. Here is the standalone version:
Manual InstallationYou must know what you are doingSTD\i18n\ --- Categories ---
AIR Aircraft
Armor Armor
Infantry Infantry
Vehicles Vehicles
Trains Trains
Ships Ships
Artillery Artillery
StationaryArmor Stationary Armor
StationaryInfantry Stationary Infantry
StationaryObjects Stationary Objects
StationaryPlanes Stationary Aircraft
StationaryShips Stationary Ships
# --- [Infantry] ---
AxisInfantry1 1x Axis Infantry
AxisInfantry2 2x Axis Infantry
AxisInfantry4 4x Axis Infantry
AxisInfantry8 8x Axis Infantry
AlliesInfantry1 1x Allies Infantry
AlliesInfantry2 2x Allies Infantry
AlliesInfantry4 4x Allies Infantry
AlliesInfantry8 8x Allies Infantry
# --- [StationaryInfantry] ---
AxisInfantryStand Axis Infantry Standing
AxisInfantryTrench Axis Infantry Entrenched
AlliesInfantryStand Allies Infantry Standing
AlliesInfantryTrench Allies Infantry Entrenched
moveType TROOPER
AxisInfantry1 ai.ground.ChiefGround 2 icons/Infantry.mat
AxisInfantry2 ai.ground.ChiefGround 2 icons/Infantry.mat
AxisInfantry4 ai.ground.ChiefGround 2 icons/Infantry.mat
AxisInfantry8 ai.ground.ChiefGround 2 icons/Infantry.mat
AlliesInfantry1 ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/Infantry.mat
AlliesInfantry2 ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/Infantry.mat
AlliesInfantry4 ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/Infantry.mat
AlliesInfantry8 ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/Infantry.mat
;---- Infantry
AxisInfantryStand vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AxisInfantryStand 2
AxisInfantryTrench vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AxisInfantryTrench 2
AlliesInfantryStand vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AlliesInfantryStand 1
AlliesInfantryTrench vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AlliesInfantryTrench 1
// Infantry
Description Infantry Test Unit
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Summer/hier.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Summer_DMG/hier.him
MeshWinter 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Winter/hier.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Winter_DMG/hier.him
MeshDesert 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Desert/hier.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryStand/Desert_DMG/hier.him
// Panzer
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
// Weapon
Gun Infantry
NumShells 320
AttackMaxDistance 400.0
AttackMaxRadius 400.0
AttackMaxHeight 200.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -15.0 // ??
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +25.0 // ??
HeadMaxYawSpeed 54.5 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 30.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 4.0
ChainfireTime 0.0
FastTargetsAngleError 14.0
// Moving
StayWhenFire 0
SpeedAverage 4.0
SpeedMax 8.0
SpeedBack 1.0
RotSpeedMax 80.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 36.0
BestSpace 12.0
AfterCollisionDist 5.1
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5
Description Infantry Test Unit
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Summer/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Summer/dead.sim
MeshWinter 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Winter/live.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Winter/dead.sim
MeshDesert 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Desert/live.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Infantry/AxisInfantryTrench/Desert/dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun Infantry
AttackMaxDistance 400.0
AttackMaxRadius 400.0
AttackMaxHeight 200.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0 // ??
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +20.0 // ??
HeadMaxYawSpeed 54.5 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 30.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 4.0
ChainfireTime 0.0
FastTargetsAngleError 14.0
Description Infantry Test Unit
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Summer/hier.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Summer_DMG/hier.him
MeshWinter 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Winter/hier.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Winter_DMG/hier.him
MeshDesert 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Desert/hier.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryStand/Desert_DMG/hier.him
// Panzer
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
// Weapon
Gun Infantry
NumShells 320
AttackMaxDistance 400.0
AttackMaxRadius 400.0
AttackMaxHeight 200.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -15.0 // ??
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +25.0 // ??
HeadMaxYawSpeed 54.5 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 30.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 4.0
ChainfireTime 0.0
FastTargetsAngleError 14.0
// Moving
StayWhenFire 0
SpeedAverage 4.0
SpeedMax 8.0
SpeedBack 1.0
RotSpeedMax 80.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 36.0
BestSpace 12.0
AfterCollisionDist 5.1
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5
Description Infantry Test Unit
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Summer/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Summer/dead.sim
MeshWinter 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Winter/live.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Winter/dead.sim
MeshDesert 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Desert/live.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Infantry/AlliesInfantryTrench/Desert/dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun Infantry
AttackMaxDistance 400.0
AttackMaxRadius 400.0
AttackMaxHeight 200.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0 // ??
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +20.0 // ??
HeadMaxYawSpeed 54.5 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 30.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 4.0
ChainfireTime 0.0
FastTargetsAngleError 14.0
Good luck in the Battlefront!