Great suggestion! I made a single mission some time ago with the Neptune in the Falklands War (private but i can share it if someone is interested) and i tested it togheter with some C&C features. I managed to have a reliable, working ship-searching radar and crew thanks to these features and the final result represented quite well the sensor capabilities of the Neptune. I still need to test them all to exploit the full potential.
In some of my missions, especially the dogfight missions in planes with 2-pilot crews, you will notice that i managed to use to full potential the Navigator/WO in the back seat. It will warn you of enemy contacts, your '6 and to start evasive manouvers. Try out "War Thunder" or "Victor Charlie" missions to better understand what i mean.
Your request is very welcome! I will finish writing the Walkthroughs and then start working on 1/2 missions for the Neptune.
Regarding the T-Cats: i know that they are incredibly well-made and full of new feautures aboard (that i wish they were also in other planes) but since, technically, it never existed in this version, i must do some testing before making this exception. For now i can assure you i will start testing both the F7F-AJ and the Neptune, and see what's best to obtain the sensor/recon capabilities you wish.
If the F7F-AJ is needed, i'll be happy to include it too in the official plane roster.

Thank you very much for the skins too!!! Your works are always amazing.
Sorry i didn't understand the comment...You mean "Send missions, at least early ones?"
Please confirm.
If correct, i need to think about it. Mainly because i costantly modify them to obtain 3 goals: Fun/Scenario/Performance.
Sometimes i make small adjustments, sometimes i make a major overhaul.
If i make a provisory WIP download it would be obsolete in 2 days.