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Author Topic: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)  (Read 40502 times)

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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2020, 04:23:11 AM »

Yep! I'm surely a LOT lighter without those useless metal parts!  ;D ;D

I'm currently building the 3rd mission for 1.7. I wanted to honor the C-135, a beautiful plane that played an important role in delivering troops and supplies all across Vietnam.
I'm focusing on making the mission as pretty as it can be, considering that it will be restricted to a simple and long cargo/personnell travel from Da Nang to Saigon.
You won't shoot down houndreds of MiGs, but at least you can relax and enjoy the scenario ;)

Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2020, 04:40:29 AM »

Nice. Pix like that often make me think how awesome it would be if we would have more modern cargo and passenger-planes etc. ingame like Jumbo-Jet, A-380 or maybe Antonov, Galaxy and such. But dunno if that would be technically possible at all. Looking forward to your new version!  :)
"United we stand against Evil." #FCKPTN. #SlavaUkraini


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2020, 09:05:37 AM »

Thanks Hans-Joachim Marseille ;)
I'm not much into civilian planes but classic planes like the 707, 737 and 747 are surely majestic.
I'm writing this message as I'm flying around in the C-135.
The mission will be one of a kind, very linear. Lots of flying and no shooting but I strongly wanted to honor the C-135.
More "dogfight" pilots will 100% skip this but I wanted to make a unique mission to relax and just fly.
There is still the challenge to actually land tho! The conditions are terrible and visibility is poor, so only skill will prevent you from crashing! ;)

Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2020, 09:33:43 AM »

Sounds good.Well - I'm not a "Lander" some may say. ;D   It is the hardest part for me still. :-[   But practise does it.  ;)
"United we stand against Evil." #FCKPTN. #SlavaUkraini


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2020, 01:04:06 PM »

I can tell you that in JTW the difficulty in landing changes massively. Personally for me i find difficult to land with the F-4, C-135 and A-6.
Other planes like the A-4, F/A-18, F-16 and in some degree the F-104 are easier for me.

I just managed to land succesfully while testing; the first attempt ended in a massive tail-strike and crash.  ;D
The weather surely gave me a challenge while landing, no visibility and the weight of the Stratolifter doesn't help. Only runway lights can save your landing.


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #65 on: May 13, 2020, 07:27:34 AM »

The 3rd mission is finally done. I already started to work on 2 new missions in this period: here are a few screenshots of one of them
Let me know if you have REQUESTS!


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2020, 07:17:08 AM »

Hey guys!
I'm almost done with the 5th mission for 1.7. The new missions i'm making are honestly a lot of fun! I guarantee that.
Lots of action with my favourite warbirds, good re-playability and beautiful scenarios.
Finally, i'm implementing mission ideas i had since i first released this project. Due to technical and time issues i wasn't able at the time to make them.
But now that i have both of them resolved i can finally transfer ideas on proper missions! I'm also taking inspiration from Vietnam-era paintings around the internet if you believe that 8)
REQUESTS are still well-recieved! Let me know your ideas!

By the way i made a Poll in this thread to better know your opinions about 1.6 Wings over 'Nam. You can find it above the main page.
I will change it once every 2 weeks, and i ask your partecipation to improve further more this project.
I'll ask you very simple questions to know what you think of several Wo'N-related topics.

In the meantime, 2 beautiful screenshots i made while testing.

Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2020, 07:25:02 AM »

I recently started with some mission-stuff myself and all I can say it cannot be appreciated enough - it is a lotta work especially when you want fine details, etc. when "done" you always find tiny mistakes you made often with waypoints and things. I really thank you and man I am so gonna play this! Vietnam is a really interesting scenario. :)
"United we stand against Evil." #FCKPTN. #SlavaUkraini


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2020, 02:12:30 AM »

Absolutely Hans-Joachim Marseille! Vietnam is not only "Drop Napalm everywhere", but it implies lots of smaller and unknown operations, as well as room for devastating airstrikes and knife-battle style dogfights. There are so many special planes that played interesting roles in this war, and some of the most beautiful jet fighters too!
As shown in the 2nd screenshot, i always try to insert as much details as possible, sometimes even too many for my PC  ;D
The details help to immerse the player, and therefore create a sense of how "real war" was, even if i must descend in darker details like corpses and such.
If you play the mission shown with the Huey at dawn, with the Platoon OST/We were soldier OST, you'll get a chilling sensation.
My goal is to achieve that. ;)

I ALWAYS find smaller bugs or errors in my missions too. Often they aren't critical, but if they do i'll fix them immidiately (like in v1.4.1 and 1.5 upon release).
I'm super happy that you want to play my project!!! 1.7 will be WIP for quite a while, 20 missions + 40 converted in multiplayer takes time.
I'll keep you updated on progresses.  8)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #69 on: May 26, 2020, 05:24:30 AM »

Hello guys
I have an important message to say: i made a new poll in this page about the development of a potential 1.6.1, a mini-patch with only multiplayer missions.
Several of you asked to try them and since the only thing i need to do is testing, they will be ready way before the massive 1.7.

I personally like the idea of making 2 separate versions, one for SP and one for MP. It will help to reduce the future download size and grant you the choice of either choosing the full package or just one.

Please i need feedback on this matter, so vote for one of the poll's choices.
Thank you in advance for your vote and good luck over 'Nam!  8)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #70 on: May 29, 2020, 08:45:37 PM »

Vote cast, thanks enry711 for your work  ]thumright[


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #71 on: May 31, 2020, 01:02:11 PM »

Thank you very much CDS025_DOGO!!

I've started the 6th mission in the last few days. Unfortunately due to university i have limited time for now, but i'm using a lot of my free time to continue my work on FMB.
So far so good. This one is coming along nicely and it's sure an haunting sight see Khe Sanh burnt and twisted by NVA artillery from above.
Here's a couple of screenshots for you:  ;)

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