Hey guys!
I've got a little announcement to make: i know that since 1.6 came out, A LOT of time has passed (9 months

) and it may seem that i'm taking way too much time to release the latest version of my project. As many of you might know, i've been under intense pressure from my University recently, and i've suffered several delays due to personal reasons and COVID.
With that out of the way, i wanted to announce that:
"MAYBE i'll be able to publish 1.7 Wings over 'Nam for the 1st of January 2021"I wanted to release it for Christmas but it's not really feasible anymore. I will try instead to welcome 2021 and wish you all a great New Year with this gift by me.
Now i can work at a decent pace, so i should be able to finish it and publish it for the 1st. If not, i will upload it shortly after (1/2 weeks later maximum).
I think you guys already waited for too long for this version to be released.

Talking about progresses, i've completed the mission
requested by M4rdok2. Due to irregular and sometimes illogical AI behavior in Il-2, this mission was quite hard to complete. Now it's totally playable and it runs quite well.
As for many JTW missions it's not flawless but it's totally playable.
My friend M4rdok2 was so satisfied by it that he immidiately gave me more "work" to do

requested another mission. This time with USAF F-5s striking vietnamese supply columns early in the war.
Stay tuned for screenshots...

Talking of which!