OK, do we have any dads here? I am sure a good number.
Sometimes you become a hero without meaning to be. My son has seen me playing IL-2 before, but now that he is a bonified Minecraft expert, he had a more curious approach to it, particularly when he found out that in IL-2 you could build cities/scenes with all the objects in FMB.
We started having a conversation about IL-2 and how I got involved in the original project, and how I wrote a "mod" tool (he is all about hacking and modding) and how UQMG was mentioned and included in the CDs of PC Pilot and Computer Pilot magazines. The thing that impressed him the most was seeing my name in the credits of the original IL-2 manual and Forgotten Battles... it was really a silly thing, all I did was beta test, but to him I was like, Superman.
Anyway, I tend to talk too much, but the reason I posted this was because as I was digging for the original IL-2 box and manual I found this...

Man the memories. How many of you are from the original "crew" these days?
In any way sorry for the diatribe, I was just going to post the pic.