Hello guys, below is a link to my updated version of the Swordfish Seaplane.

Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/9k7xbv1hlccedpd/Swordfish_Ex_1_updated_April_2020_R.C.7z/filePlease remove your existing version then add the complete folder I have uploaded.
The changes made to this update are in response to a thread here by request of herbarnold99:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,63894.0.htmlPlease note other than the changes mentioned the mod remains as it was, the existing files have been left in place
with only changes made to specific areas.Swordfish floater updated April 2020 by Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug.
Original mod: Originated for game version 4.09 I believe, however, I do not know who the original authors were, a version was altered to make it compatible for 4.10 by Beowolf. As far as I am aware the only links available at the moment are for the Beowolf version at the Freemodding site.
Further information posted by Bwf regarding the history of this particular mod, thank you very much to him, really appreciated:Swordfish MkI_Beta3 by 6°Stormo "Diavoli Rossi"
6Sc.Tamat - 3D model
6S.Maraz - import, java classes, coding and FM
CanonUK - new default skins
Ranwers - new cockpit
From original readme:
"This beta version has not finished original cockpits: the pilot's cockpit is taken from I-16, while
the gunner's cockpit is a very rough version of the original Swordfish gunner's cockpit. The skin of
this aircraft is a beta version too.
For the rest, the model is completed and playable. It has full ordnance, including torpedoes, various
types of bombs and illuminating flares (these are dropped using the weapons3 key).
The rear gun has two positions: stowed and deployed (ready to fire). The gun automatically deploys when
there are enemy aircraft, ships or vehicles around, and stowes again when the threat is away. Can also
be deployed/stowed by the player using the airbrake key.
The aircraft has arrestor hook, folding wings and automatically deployed wing slats."
Beowulf did the original float Swordfish for 410 but did add a 409 FM for it.
New default skin: herbarnold99
At the request of herbarnold99 at SAS to help sort a issue with float colouring I have tried as best I could to remap the floats used from the AR-196 to the actual texture used by the rest of the Swordfish, this means the mapping is reduced in size from what it should be but space was limited.
Default texture uses the stock Swordfish with my alterations.
I also altered the existing aircraft class to utilise the 'TypeSeaPlane' entry for the 4.12.2 version of IL-2 1946, the original is included as well as my altered class file, use the one you need.
The rear turret can be entered, however, I could not find a way to use the rear gun but it could be that a specific key combination is needed, I made no changes there only to the plane type.
Added Self Stationary Plane.
The original entries are as they were:
put in STD/air.ini file:
Swordfish_Ex_1 air.Swordfish_Ex_1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Self Stationary Plane Self Stationary Plane by Peter Shaw aka Mission_bug.
Note: If you do not have a section for the self staionary aircraft you will need to create one using the headers shown below after your stock static entries.
Follow the path: STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/ Stationary.ini and Technics.ini.
If you wish to use the Self Stationary Plane add the folder in the download that begins with the title '' to your mod folder and add the following lines:
Add to Stationary.ini:
Swordfish_Ex_1 vehicles.planes.Swordfish_Ex_1Static$Swordfish_Ex_1 1
Add to Technics.ini:
// Self Stationary planes
Description Swordfish_Ex_1
Icon Plane
Class air.Swordfish_Ex_1
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 4
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Explode WagonMetal
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. April 2020.