I ran Courage Alone 4.3 through 'andqui's mission converter' to see if the campaign is totally compatible with BAT 4.3, and it picked up a few minor errors:
Reading mission scw-7.mis
###Weapon 4x250kgCatalana for Potez540 not found!
Reading mission bof1940-1.mis
###Stationary vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 not found!
Reading mission bof1940-2.mis
###Stationary vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 not found!
Reading mission bof1940-3.mis
###Stationary vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 not found!
Reading mission bof1940-4.mis
###Stationary vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 not found!
Reading mission bof1940-5.mis
###Stationary vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 not found!
Reading mission eastafrica40-4.mis
###Weapon 2xVickers for Fury_S not found!
Reading mission greece-09.mis
###Weapon 2xVickers for Fury_S not found!
Reading mission Libya_1941-01.mis
###Weapon 2x100 for G50 not found!
Reading mission Libya_1941-02.mis
###Weapon 2x100 for G50 not found!
Reading mission Alam_Halfa-4.mis
###Weapon 4x250lbs for Fairey_Albacore not found!
###Weapon 4x250lbs for Fairey_Albacore not found!
###Weapon 4x250lbs for Fairey_Albacore not found!
The Potez 630 is in BAT as a stationary, but it uses a different naming convention (i.e vehicles.planes.Plane$Potez_630 - should be (for BAT) - vehicles.planes.Potez63Static$Potez_630.
The weapon errors are easy to edit in the BAT mission-playing interface, but if you want the Fiat G50 to carry 2X100kg bombs in the Libya missions it will have to be replaced with the G50bis 1940 model as BAT's version of the 1938 model can't carry bombs.