The Swordfish and Skua are incorrectly placed on the flight deck of HMS Eagle in BAT. They hang over the port side and makes take off very tricky (and looks bad).
The solution involves a change in the Hull3.msh file. This fix cannot be applied to the BAT version as the .msh is included in the BAT class files.
However it is possible to install the stand alone HMS Eagle into BAT as the files take precedence.
To simplify matters I prepared a folder with the adjusted version which can be added to the BATMODS folder and activated whenever I wish to fly the Swordfish or Skua.
To install: Add the ‘HMSEagle_Swordfish_Skua’ folder to BATMODS. Activate when you fly either aircraft and the plane will be correctly placed on the deck. Disable whenever you wish to fly a different aircraft. Albacore, Sea Gladiator, and Fulmars all work fine on the default ship. Historically HMS Eagle never actually carried Skuas as far as I know.
Please note that the actual modifications are entirely the work of Asheshouse, who created the fantastic HMS Eagle in the first place. My folder just implements them easily.
Clive Bradbury