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Author Topic: The Final Gamble - A K.u.K. Campaign pack for DOF!  (Read 1516 times)

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The Final Gamble - A K.u.K. Campaign pack for DOF!
« on: May 21, 2020, 03:58:29 PM »

Some of my favourite WW1 aircraft appear in this one:

This is a set of FOUR semi-historical, 11-mission static campaigns, set during the summer of 1918 and the period around the last offensive of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces, in mid-June, on the river Piave. It was their final gamble, trying to achieve a war-winning breakthrough in northern Italy. (The offensive was also prompted by German demands: they wanted their Austro-Hungarian allies to tie down as many Entente units as ever possible while their own offensives rolled on in France.)

The outcome of this big battle did indeed decide the war on the Italian front, but not the way the desperate Austro-Hungarian commanders hoped and planned for. Their whole offensive in June 1918 came to worse than nothing: the costly failure of the attack hastened the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian army, which after this defeat effectively ceased to exist as a single cohesive force. So when the Italians eventually launched their big counter-offensive in the autumn of 1918 the demoralized Austro-Hungarian army and indeed the entire empire fell apart in just days.

You can donwload it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2213

Included in this pack are four Austro-Hungarian campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the above mentioned period in 1918. These are:

   * One for the Phönix D.I
   * One for the Hansa-Brandenburg D.I
   * One for the Aviatik Berg D.I
   * One for the Oeffag D.III 153

Although these four campaigns are essentially variations of the same one, they all contain a random element, which means that even if you replay a campaign (with the same aircraft or another one) you can never have be exactly sure what you will meet: the weather can vary, the time of day, and even the opposition (composition and skill), in the air and on the ground. This means for instance that some patrols will result in no enemy contact – just as in real life. Also all campaigns contain some unique mission variations.

Most of the conversion work has again been performed by Edc1 - Thanks again, Stan!

Some more shiny screenies here:

Thanks for looking!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: The Final Gamble - A K.u.K. Campaign pack for DOF!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2020, 11:57:07 PM »

Ah, I see you did those yourself :)

These campaigns contain a bigger-than-usual amount of historical inaccuracies but your setups and ground detail is again just awesome!
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