I enjoy making missions so no problem
I don't want to make a full-on campaign because i already have a big patch on my project in WIP and lately i have limited free time.
Both concepts can surely be done, especially the F-84 one (the B-52/47 is also 100% doable but i must find the right map first XD)
For the B-29 Silverplate i already did it some time ago. The bombing of Nagasaki.
I can share this one right away with you; it has minimal briefing and flight time since i built it to just aim and drop the A-Bomb on the city, but for the other 2 i need 3/4 days to build them (with standard Wings over 'Nam quality if someone knows what i'm talking about).
Let me know any details you might want to add 
Thanks man- you're the best! I'd love to try the Nagasaki mission!
For the other two, just some ideas I'll throw out there but feel free to modify any as appropriate to make the mission feasible, I'm just letting my imagination run here:
For the F-84 mission I was imagining something where you'd take off with drop tanks, go the very limit of the aircraft's range and toss-bomb an airfield with a tactical nuclear weapon. You'd have just enough fuel to turn around and make it some portion of the way back where you'd ditch and hope for the best. So maybe you're taking off from an airfield in West Germany, navigating a gauntlet of SAM and MiG-15s and 17s on the way back, and you'd have just enough fuel to turn around after dropping the bomb and get maybe 100 miles or so away from the area you just hit before ejecting (this is actually pretty much what the mission plan was as I understand it!- interesting reference dealing with this one-way attack profile with Super Sabres
here) This mission probably happens in about 1953.
On the B-47/52 mission I was thinking more like Fail-Safe; you'd come in low, at night, from the north, toward a Soviet city like Leningrad and try to make your way through the thicket of SA-5s, SA-2s, MiG-21s etc. to make it through to the target. I'm thinking this one takes place around 1965. I don't know if IL-2 has either nuclear SAMs or some of the giant PVO Stranyy interceptors like the Su-15 or Tu-128, but those would have been some real-life hazards pilots of such a mission would have faced.
But do whatever works, im sure whatever you come up with will be fantastic!