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Author Topic: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend  (Read 4064 times)

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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2020, 09:30:43 AM »

Mmh... I ever asked myself why they have numbers and not the name I gived to the zipped files. I m not expert with in uploading files, and I load these files without a user in mediafire, so probably that's why I don't noticed that. That s the first time I upload something, over a work I did in Rome total war years ago. Thank you vampire.
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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2020, 10:11:30 AM »

......  I m translating all the stiv campaigns, and converting them, soon the Urga campaign with the far east soviet Republic will come.
Urga, like many campaigns, that I gave you only in draft. Some campaigns have several options for missions.

Урга, как и многие кампании, которые я вам дал только в черновике. В некоторых кампаниях есть несколько вариантов миссий.

David Prosser

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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2020, 06:00:15 PM »

Do you have a link to the site please?


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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2020, 06:23:35 AM »

Do you have a link to the site please?

http://forum.aviaskins.com/forumdisplay.php?f=59 that's the skins section. Use the browser translator to move around the forum since is in Cyrillic.
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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2020, 09:37:56 PM »

Thank you Stiv and Nero for an excellent campaign! This is a good job at all levels. I have a question: why is Nieuport 10 in the first mission instead of Morane Saulnier (as it was in Stiv's original), and so on? So it is necessary for BAT?


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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2020, 03:48:32 AM »

Mmh I don't remember...
I used the nieuport 10 as a substitute to the nieuport 9 (Russian built nieuport 10 I m correct? ) usually, but for the first mission  I guess i found the N10, not the morane in the mission, converting the campaigns some object disappear, and you must replace it, but you don't know usually what object exactly disappeared, I mean yes the mission editor say for example cavalry column ww1 missing and so on, but not ever the names are so clear, and for the names of the planes is more complicated since sometime there is write only "u2" or a combination of letters and numbers like that, so I replaced the objects and I was forced to change a little bit some mission (just a little, because not all the objects of the original campaigns there are or are the same in bat and whatever other mod you know) for that maybe I used the N10. Also in the briefings talk about of N9 if I remember correctly no?
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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2020, 04:52:47 PM »

Just nieuport, as far as I've read...


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Re: IT WAS IN THE CAUCASUS PARS I - Imperial Russian Campaign by a friend
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2020, 09:42:08 PM »

Hello. As for your dispute, I can say one thing, the campaign about the Caucasus, I altered myself four times. And that's just me. The problem initially was in the presence of aircraft in the game. I also put Nieuport 9/10 for this campaign. As soon as new planes appeared, I redid the campaign over and over. In the Russian army in the Caucasus, the following were used: Moran-Parasol (15 units), Bi Codron and Kadron (4 units), Voisin (18 units), Nieuport-10 (3 units), Nieuport-17 (14 units), Nyuport-21 / 23 (6 pieces), Farman-27 (5 pieces), Farman-30 (15), Soptvich-one and a half rack (5 pieces), Anade (3 pieces).

Всем привет. Насчет вашего спора могу сказать одно, кампания про Кавказ, переделовалась мной четыре раза. И это только мной. Проблема изначально была в наличии самолетов в игре. Я тоже ставил Ньюпор-9/10 для этой кампании. Как только появлялись новые самолеты, я переделывал кампанию снова и снова. В русской армии на кавказе использовались: Моран-Парасоль(15 штук), Би Кодрон и Кадрон(4 штуки), Вуазин(18 штук), Ньюпор-10(3 штуки), Ньюпор-17(14 штук), Ньюпор-21/23(6 штук), Фарман-27(5 штук), Фарман-30(15), Соптвич-полуторастоечный(5 штук), Анаде(3 штуки).
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