Hi guys!
I am just in a phase of coming back to regular Il-2 1946 flying.
I have two questions please:
Can two different BAT versions, say 4.2 and 4.2.3 match in mp mode - IF all the planes, maps, objects are there in both versions?
And second:
I am from Germany and allways loved flying in a group, a squadron, what ever.
It seems, that there is no virtual squadron on Il2 1946 left?!
I wonder how there can be so much modding, planes, maps, stuff... and such a big and pleasant community, but no squadrons...
I really miss those times - brief together, forming up on the runway, flying to the area of operation, working together, fighting together, win or fall together..
I am desperatly looking for a virtual squadron again.
My "problem" (actually I am very very happy about) is, that I have two little children, so flying in the afternoon is no option for me. I could start from 20:30 to 21:00 o'clock (Berlin-Rome-time zone).
I read about two groups, but the web site sems to be off and the posts are three years old.
Thanks in advance.