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Author Topic: Start airplanes in JTW  (Read 830 times)

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Start airplanes in JTW
« on: August 21, 2020, 02:24:13 AM »

Hey all!,

I was wondering how I start the jets in the JTW module. I started the topgun mission, but couldnt even start the engine. Does somebody got some pointers for me? Thanks!

Also, can I remove the squadron number on the sided of my airplane? I like some skins, but the big 01 kind of ruins it.


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Re: Start airplanes in JTW
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2020, 02:58:17 AM »

Check if your jet has more than one engine. If you have 'separate engine start' selected then hitting your ignition key will do nothing until you have selected a specific engine - that has caught me out more than once!

Uncheck 'markings on' in the arming screen - that will remove the red number (unless it is part of the selected skin, of course).


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Re: Start airplanes in JTW
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 03:12:30 AM »

Check if your jet has more than one engine. If you have 'separate engine start' selected then hitting your ignition key will do nothing until you have selected a specific engine - that has caught me out more than once!

Uncheck 'markings on' in the arming screen - that will remove the red number (unless it is part of the selected skin, of course).

Thanks! maybe a stupid question, but do you know why we dont have a Luiftwaffe or something ww2 related german air force in the WAW module?


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Re: Start airplanes in JTW
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2020, 03:26:43 AM »

Thanks! maybe a stupid question, but do you know why we dont have a Luiftwaffe or something ww2 related german air force in the WAW module?

There is, of course.
Look around

(the same countries are present in each and every module - sometimes named a tad differently, particularly in DOF)

Btw, it is also recommended to deactivate (set to off) all the fancy flightmodel aero realism settings in JTW, as a great many flightmodels there are fancy java dependent and these stock-game features may result in effectively unrealistic behavior.



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Re: Start airplanes in JTW
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2020, 03:33:10 AM »

Thanks! maybe a stupid question, but do you know why we dont have a Luiftwaffe or something ww2 related german air force in the WAW module?

There is, of course.
Look around

(the same countries are present in each and every module - sometimes named a tad differently, particularly in DOF)

Btw, it is also recommended to deactivate (set to off) all the fancy flightmodel aero realism settings in JTW, as a great many flightmodels there are fancy java dependent and these stock-game features may result in effectively unrealistic behavior.

thanks however, I miss luftwaffe or anything german related. I only have "German Democratic Republic" it seems in the WAW module :(

EDIT: Im stupid, I saw tghat you need to set your plane to the other team. Thanks!
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